
Iowa Dem Loser Accidentally Admits She's Trying To Steal Election: 'Only One Way'


Democrats were handed a series of stunning defeats from voters in House races across the country, as radical ideas such as defunding police agencies, socialism and forever lockdowns apparently hurt them on Nov. 3.

The party is also hurting, arguably, as roughly half of the country believe Democrats, in some form or another, canceled the votes of millions of people to rig the presidential election. Those accusations haven’t yet been proven in court by President Donald Trump or his legal team, but a lot of public sentiment is definitely on the side that Democrats benefitted from an unfair election.

But despite an already large public perception that the party will do just about anything to grab power, last week Democrats asked House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to get involved on behalf of an embattled Democratic House candidate in Iowas’s 2nd Congressional District.

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Democratic Rita Hart is down by a total of six votes in the tight race against GOP candidate Mariannette Miller-Meeks, and she’s now joining those who have petitioned Pelosi to get involved and to subvert the will of Iowa voters.

The race was certified last month following a recount, but it is among two races that the Democrats are challenging. The other race is in New York’s 22nd Congressional District, where Republican Claudia Tenney leads incumbent Democratic Rep. Anthony Brindisi by only 12 votes, according to Observer-Dispatch.

The New York race is a quagmire, and votes are still being found in desk drawers as the fight has gone to the courts.

But in Iowa, Hart has lost and she’s asking for help from House Democrats, and they could go there. The precedent, in fact, was set long ago.


“The House could refuse to seat Miller-Meeks and create a committee to review the matter,” Politico reported two weeks ago. “If Hart files a contest under the Federal Contested Election Act, then the House Administration Committee will claim jurisdiction.”

That happened after the 1984 election when Democrats used their House majority to invoke the obscure Federal Contested Election Act after a close race in Indiana following an apparent win by a GOP challenger in Indiana over the Democrat incumbent.

Democratic Rep. Frank McCloskey was seated for another term, despite the fact that Indiana’s then-secretary of state had certified Republican Richard McIntyre as the winner. McCloskey went on to serve several additional terms before retiring in 1995.

Now, in the close but decided Iowa race, Hart has asked Pelosi to throw her a bone.

KCRG-TV reported the Democrat claims the recount in her race ignored thousands of legal votes and the race is invalid.

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Miller-Meeks’ campaign manager, a man named Austin Harris, shared a Twitter video on Thursday of Hart stating she intends to win her race, despite not actually winning her race.

“Uh-oh! Rita Hart says the quiet part out loud! She knew that Iowa judges wouldn’t buy into her bogus accusations and overturn the election result for her. Therefore, she had to ask Nancy Pelosi. #ia02,” Harris tweeted.

In a video shared by the campaign manager, Hart stated she intends to ask for the McCloskey lifeline.

“And so, to me, there was only one way that we could get the result that we need, and that is to take this to the Committee on House Administration,” Hart said on the short video.

Was that an admission of defeat and a plea for a bailout? It sure sounded like it.

It’s now been a little over five weeks since what was supposed to be Election Day, and two House races led by Republicans remain up in the air, as does the presidential election. That’s in large part to how badly the Democrats undermined the system with their refusal to accept common-sense election security measures, such as requiring voters to prove their identity when voting.

Then there’s that whole mass unsolicited mail-in ballots fiasco in numerous states.

Democrats made a mess of the 2020 election and have likely disenfranchised countless voters. Now, after a month of launching savage attacks against Trump for questioning the results of the highly questionable election procedures in a number of key battleground states, they’re looking to suppress votes in Iowa, and potentially later in New York.

The president has challenged the results and is currently exercising his legal options and presenting evidence that shows he might have been denied rightful victories in places such as Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin.

But Trump and his legal counsel haven’t sunk low like the Democrats or Hart. Her words on video are a tacit admission that she really did lose, but she doesn’t care to honor the will of the voters.

The Iowa Democrat wants to be declared the winner, despite what is essentially an admission of defeat. According to her own words, she simply must be declared the victor by partisan House Democrats, and it isn’t because it’s what voters chose.

It’s because she sees an election bailout from the House as the only way, in her words, to walk away with a result she finds more desirable than losing.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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