
Innocent Jewish Children Pepper Sprayed by Anti-Trumper During Parade


Sadly, New York City is increasingly becoming a dangerous place to be Jewish.

There was already the troubling double standard Mayor Bill de Blasio applied to Jewish protesters that he didn’t dare use on Black Lives Matter demonstrators.

Then there was his fellow Democrat, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who threatened Orthodox Jews with closing their synagogues if they didn’t comply with onerous COVID-19 restrictions.

On Sunday, things got even uglier, with violence against those participating in a “Jews for Trump” rally that brought hundreds of vehicles adorned with flags and other swag in a caravan from Manhattan to Brooklyn to show their support for President Donald Trump.

According to Fox News, a family of seven was pepper-sprayed as they drove in the rally, windows rolled down and Trump flag proudly waving.

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The assailant pulled up and released the irritant into the family’s vehicle, with their four children inside.

“Immediately the kids started crying and screaming and I jumped out of the car after I was [pepper] sprayed as well,” one of the victims in the car told the network.

Even after exiting the vehicle, they were chased down by the assailant until a family member flagged down police, who caught the suspect.

Fox reported the New York Police Department arrested 11 people, including six who were charged with violations such as harassment, obstruction of government administration and disorderly conduct. One additional suspect was charged with resisting arrest and assaulting a police officer.

“Woman arrested for spraying pepper spray at the #JewsForTrump vehicle convoy on 5 Avenue in Manhattan,” NYC Scanner tweeted with video of the suspect in the pepper spray attack apparently getting arrested.

This isn’t the only unprovoked attack unleashed on Jewish Trump supporters last weekend. They were hurling things at vehicles in the caravan.

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They were fighting with supporters on the streets of Manhattan and ripping Trump flags off of vehicles.

One man punched the window of one of the cars in the caravan.

Anti-Trump demonstrators also chanted “New York hates you” at a group of NYPD officers who tried to keep the peace during the rally.

This violence comes on the heels of the anti-Jewish crackdowns by the Democrats in the city and state governments of New York.

It isn’t that de Blasio or Cuomo should take the blame completely, but they have done nothing to stop these attacks on Trump supporters and have only added fuel to the anti-Semitic sentiments with their terribly biased application of the law.

The Jewish community seems particularly energized in its support for the president, who has brokered peace in the Middle East, bringing together Israel and three historically hostile Arab nations.

Trump also moved the U.S. embassy out of Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, which showed recognition for the city as the capital of Israel.

Meanwhile, anti-Semitic incidents reached a 40-year high in March, with many occurring in New Jersey and — you guessed it– New York, CBS News reported.

That means that while the left was preoccupied with delusions about Trump’s supposed white supremacy and xenophobia, actual violence was being committed against people because of their Jewish faith.


Being a people who have suffered persecution for millennia, the Jewish community seems to understand what’s at stake for them when they’re targeted by Democratic politicians or attacked by leftist demonstrators.

As ugly as it is to hear about children being pepper-sprayed or violence being committed against innocent people, we can only hope that this is the last gasp of desperate leftists and their radical movement against the president and his supporters.

With Election Day in view, people outraged by this behavior should channel that emotion into a vote for President Trump and his agenda.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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