
Illegal Incursions Spike 5x in One AZ County as Peter Navarro Predicts Record 1 Million Crossings in 2021


The Biden administration apparently wants to make the United States a dumping ground for illegal aliens, based on its lax policies and destructive actions.

That’s the sad conclusion of officials in many border states, where illegal border crossings have skyrocketed ever since Joe Biden was installed as president.

The surge started picking up steam after Biden secured the Democratic presidential nomination in June 2020 and has mushroomed since the November election.

Sheriff Mark Dannels of Cochise County, Arizona, said illegal border crossings in his county have quintupled in recent months.

“It just makes it really, really tough, because now the message is, ‘Come across our border, legally or illegally,'” Dannels told Just the News last week.

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The sheriff said illegal crossings averaged 300 to 500 a month during former President Donald Trump’s tenure after his border wall and tough policies took effect to stem the barrage.

After Biden was nominated as the Democratic candidate and repeatedly publicized his lax immigration platform, illegal crossings in Cochise County spiked to 2,500 in December, Dannels said.

Economist Peter Navarro, a former Trump White House aide, predicts that a record 1 million illegal aliens will sneak across the U.S. southern border in 2021.

“That’s a fact. That will happen,” Navarro said Saturday on Stephen Bannon’s “War Room: Pandemic” podcast.

Navarro said the Biden administration has incentivized and enabled this mass influx with his proposed pathway to citizenship, open-borders policies and the promise of government “freebies.”

Ivory Tower Democrats often champion lofty, irrational policies because they do not believe they will ever have to deal with the consequences of their disastrous rhetoric.

However, Dannels warned that the illegal aliens who are barraging border states have been migrating around the country and are flooding other cities — including liberal ones — after being released on Biden’s orders.

“It’s tough for us, because what happens in my border county, and the 31 border counties on the Southwest border, will soon be in your backyard,” the sheriff cautioned.

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The situation has gotten so out of control that even some fellow Democrats are imploring the Biden administration to stop the insanity.

Last week, Democratic Mayor Bruno Lozano of Del Rio, Texas, begged Biden to stop incentivizing illegal immigration because it’s wreaking havoc in his town of 36,000 residents.

Specifically, Lozano said Biden’s catastrophic “catch-and-release” policy along the border has caused a mass influx of illegals to be released into nearby communities.


“We do not have the resources available to house and accommodate these migrants within our community,” Lozano said in an emotional YouTube video.

“I am pleading and requesting with you to please put a halt to any measures regarding the release of immigrants awaiting court dates into the city of Del Rio and surrounding areas.”

The mayor said the deluge of illegal aliens into his town is especially difficult because of the recent Texas green energy disaster, which has left much of the state in a deep freeze without heat, power or water.

“I will have no choice but to use the extreme measures under the emergency declaration as the mayor of the City of Del Rio, Texas, to refuse the entry of migrants awaiting court dates into the city of Del Rio,” Lozano said.

“If you do send these individuals into our community, we will be forced to make a decision to leave them without resources under these dire circumstances.”

He underscored that Biden’s cataclysmic policies are ravaging his town.

“I am asking [you] to please stop,” Lozano pleaded.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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