
Ilhan Omar's Attempt to Pin a 'War Crime' on Israel Gets Taken Apart Piece-by-Piece


The foremost Jew-hater in the United States Congress just showed her hand.

Democratic Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar, a founding member of the far-left “squad” who has a documented history of anti-Semitism so obvious even fellow Democrats can’t ignore it, took to social media on Monday in a lengthy thread that accused Israel of a “war crime” for its retaliation plans against the Hamas terrorist organization that murdered hundreds of civilians in an attack on Saturday.

And she got torched for her trouble.

The 12-part thread included much hand-wringing over the plight of the Palestinians in Gaza — a group that was granted self-government when the Israeli occupation ended in 2005 and has been a festering breeding ground for terrorism ever since.

But the most inflammatory parts were here:

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“The Israeli Defense Minister has called Palestinians ‘human animals’ and promised to cut off all electricity, all food, and all fuel to civilians in Gaza,” Omar wrote.

“This is collective punishment, a war crime, and the U.S. should oppose any violations of international law if we truly support a rules-based international order.”

That drew a tsunami of criticism, as any sane human would have expected, as commenters took the argument apart piece by piece.

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In one sense, Omar’s argument wasn’t really a surprise. One of the first two Muslim women ever elected to Congress — the other is the execrable Rashida Tlaib, also elected in 2018 — Omar has never made a secret of her anti-Semitism. In fact, in 2019, it was the subject of a special resolution in Congress, which was regrettably watered down by the House Foreign Affairs Committee, which included Omar herself at the time.

She was kicked off the Foreign Affairs Committee when Republicans took over the House this year.

The fact that it took her two days to do it was more noteworthy than its actual content. A boilerplate statement released Saturday supposedly condemning Hamas’ actions and calling for “deescalation” matched efforts by her fellow “squad” member Democrats.

But the real Ilhan came through on Monday. What was least surprising was how deceptive it actually was — or attempted to be.

It’s written as though Israel is the aggressor here, targeting an innocent Gaza Strip simply because an army of terrorists crossed its border into Israel to commit slaughter on a scale world Jewry hasn’t seen since the Holocaust.

And it’s worth pointing out that Hamas isn’t simply an underground gang operating in the friendly confines of an enclave of sympathizers. It’s the government of Gaza, winning parliamentary elections in 2006 and kicking out the rival Palestinian group Fatah in 2007, as the Associated Press reported. (That was it as far as elections go. Islamists and democracy don’t go very well together.)

The group is dedicated to the destruction of Israel, making the territory a 31-mile-long cancerous tumor on Israel’s south.

What Hamas committed on Saturday wasn’t an isolated act of terrorism of the kind the world has grown used to from these Islamist butchers — it was a full-scale act of war, and on Sunday the Israeli cabinet responded by declaring war on Hamas, the first time Israel has declared war since it was invaded by Syria and Egypt on the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur in 1973.

What is happening in Israel now is a state of war — a war that is likely to change the equation in the Middle East the way 9/11 changed the equation in the United States’ relations with terrorist states for decades.

Omar ended the thread with an almost laughable plea for the U.S. to “push for peace” in a region where only one side — Israel — wants it. The other side has proven it wants war — and that’s what it’s getting.

“Instead of continuing unconditional weapons sales and military aid to Israel, I urge the United States at long last to use its diplomatic might to push for peace,” she wrote, effectively calling for the U.S. to abandon its strongest ally in the Middle East at a time of its greatest military need.

The social media response showed many users saw right through Omar’s propaganda:


“Israel was just brutally attacked by terrorists, funded by Iran, and you want to cut off funding and military aid and equipment. You are out of your mind and unfit to serve in the House of Representatives,” wrote Republican Rep. Mike Lawler of New York. “This is why you were removed from the Foreign Affairs committee.”

And there were plenty more like that.

Omar and her fellow anti-Semites in the Democratic Party and on the American left are trying to fob this off as Israel’s fault.

But the “war crime” here was committed by Hamas leaders and the killers that actually took the field, gunning down men, women and children — raping female captives and taking hostages against Israel’s inevitable, righteous retaliation.

Omar showed her cards on Monday. It’s long past time Minnesota’s voters showed her the door.

Hating Jews doesn’t go nearly as far as Omar and her fellow leftists would like.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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