
Huckabee: Biden's Making Same Mistake Dems Made in 2008 - It Gave the GOP a Historical Win in 2010


President Biden’s Office of Management and Budget pick Neera Tanden was forced to withdraw her nomination due to bipartisan Senate opposition, and now, another high-profile appointment might be in trouble.

Biden’s choice for Health and Human Services secretary, former California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, failed to secure majority support from the Senate Finance Committee, so it will take Democratic Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to advance him to a full vote in the Senate.

Becerra has two issues common to Tanden, and indeed, a number of Biden appointees: He’s a rabid left-wing partisan who’s alienated all the Republicans, and he has zero qualifications for the job.

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For comparison, the previous three HHS Secretaries were a top pharmaceutical company executive, a doctor and the head of worldwide organizations fighting hunger and poverty.

The closest Becerra has come to anything involving health or human services was trying to railroad some undercover reporters into prison for exposing the barbaric abortion practices of Planned Parenthood.


Republican Sen. Ben Sasse summed up the problems with Becerra perfectly.

“This isn’t complicated: In the middle of a deadly global pandemic, Americans want their Department of Health and Human Services to be focused on health and human services — not culture wars,” he said.

“If bullying nuns and trampling First Amendment rights could magically cure COVID, Becerra would be qualified. He’s not right for the job, and the Senate needs to reject this hyperpartisan nomination.”

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Amen to that. So far, the Biden administration is making the same mistake the Democrats did the last time they held total power in 2008-2010: thinking that gave them a mandate to shove a left-wing agenda down America’s throat, whether we wanted it or not.

And Biden is even worse because he campaigned as a moderate, bipartisan unifier and is governing like an arrogant leftist ideologue.

People are not only upset at the policies, they’re furious because they’re starting to feel they were bamboozled (news flash: they were, as we tried to warn for months before the election.)

In 2010, after the Dems forced Obamacare on us, Republicans gained six Senate seats and took back the House with a net gain of 63 seats, the biggest party shift of power in 60 years.

Democrats who understand how narrow their House margin is and how precarious a tied Senate majority is might want to reflect on those numbers before backing any more far-left nominees or unpopular AOC-approved legislation.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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