
House Dems Have Meltdown After Jan. 6th Prisoners Have 3-Word Chant for Them During Jail Visit


Twenty-five months.

That’s now long some defendants being held on charges related to the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol incursion have waited for a simple bond hearing, according to the New York Post. Others have alleged they are being denied medical care and services.

After a congressional delegation visited them Friday at the Washington, D.C., jail where they’re being held, GOP Rep. Byron Donalds of Florida said their “constitutional rights are being violated” at the facility.

Perhaps it’s no surprise that California Democrat Rep. Robert Garcia came away with a different impression. He called the Republicans who criticized the conditions inside the jail “shameful” and said “these insurrectionists are being held in much better conditions than most black and brown inmates.”

But it was a three-word chant the prisoners had for the delegation that really cheesed him off: “Let’s go, Brandon.”

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Garcia was one of the Democrats on the House Oversight Committee who attacked the two most vocal critics of how the Jan. 6 inmates are being treated: Donalds and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia.

Greene, in particular, has been especially forceful in her criticisms, calling the conditions a “human rights abuse” and alleging jailers have been treating Jan. 6 defendants “poorly.”

In a Twitter thread, Garcia attacked the Republican side.


“I just exited the DC Jail on behalf of @OversightDems. The actions of our Republican colleagues inside the facility and their lies about the visit are shameful,” he wrote.

“Marjorie Taylor Greene is already telling lies about the conditions of the facility and saying that there was no insurrection on January 6. The inmates that we saw were being treated fairly. They have 24 hr medical care, computer tablets & access to communicate with family.”

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

Furthermore, he depicted his Republican colleagues as fawning on the inmates in the D.C. jail.

“When we saw the inmates, my Republican colleagues rushed to them and treated them like celebrities rather than people who attacked our capitol police and our very democracy,” Garcia wrote.

“It’s clear these insurrectionists are being held in much better conditions than most black and brown inmates in prisons across the country.”

Yes, apparently, every single one of these people is a guilty insurrectionist. Some of them, mind you, haven’t even had a bond hearing, much less faced a jury of their peers. But, Rep. Garcia thinks we can safely bypass innocent until proven guilty.

I cannot avouch that either side is telling the unvarnished truth, but when a politician forgets basic concepts of American liberty while rage-tweeting, you can probably guess how dispassionately he’s judging the situation.

Oh, but then the kicker:

Well, that’s it. Life sentences, all of you, for using a slang term denigrating President Joe Biden.

While not as explicit as Garcia in her remarks, Democrat Rep. Jasmine Crockett of Texas said the Jan. 6 inmates “have their own cells, they have access to laptops and tablets … I mean, it’s unlike anything that I’ve ever seen.”

She also criticized Republicans for having no interest in how general population inmates are being treated. Because that’s clearly the House Oversight Committee’s job. And why haven’t they visited every jail in the country and talked with every prisoner, hmm? Yeah, that’s what I thought: racism and insurrectionist sympathies.

What’s clear, now that footage of the inside of the Capitol on Jan. 6 has been aired, thanks to Fox News and host Tucker Carlson, is that this was no insurrection. What happened was unplanned, undirected chaos facilitated by indifferent and inadequate security. Horn guy wasn’t going to take down our republic.

Now that we know this, however, Democrats are desperate to frame anyone even accused of being involved in the incursion as an honest-to-goodness deplorable — not in the reclaimed way Donald Trump supporters used the word following Hillary Clinton’s “basket of deplorables” remark in 2016 (even NPR slammed that one), but as a wretch, a scoundrel, a good-for-nothing blackguard who tried to take down our democracy.

As evidence, Rep. Robert Garcia trotted out a “Let’s go, Brandon” chant.

Something tells me that, outside the Democrat bubble, that ain’t gonna cut it.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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