
House Democrat Belittles Grieving Mother, Gets Put in His Place When She Asks One Damning Question


New York Democrat Democratic Rep. Dan Goldman is under fire for his callous treatment during a House committee hearing of a mother who lost her daughter to a fentanyl overdose thanks to Joe Biden’s border crisis.

Arizona mom Josephine Dunn testified during a House Homeland Security hearing on Thursday as House members discussed the possibility of impeaching Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for his continuing failure to secure the border and enforce America’s immigration laws.

Dunn had been invited to testify at the hearing by Republicans who wanted to give her an opportunity to speak about the fentanyl crisis that has left tens of thousands of Americans dead thanks to the ease with which drug dealers can ship their illegal narcotics into the country.

Dunn was on hand to speak about the loss of her daughter, Ashley, who died of an overdose at 26. In her tearful testimony, Dunn blasted Mayorkas for his failure to stop the waves of drugs across the border.

The hearing was titled, “Voices for the Victims: The Heartbreaking Reality of the Mayorkas Border Crisis.”

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

Dunn blasted Mayorkas for not even showing up at the hearing, the U.K. Daily Mail reported.

“I flew from Arizona to meet him and face him and ask him why. And he’s not here today. I did not know that until after I landed yesterday,” Dunn said at the hearing.

“He doesn’t have a decency now to even show up. That is crap. And talk to you personally. Today is my daughter’s birthday. I would have much rather been home with my poor husband grieving her. I didn’t need to be here today. So, whatever he’s doing, I hope it’s more important than that,” she continued.

Mayorkas had openly refused to testify at the hearing, according to GOP Chairman Mark Green, of Tennessee.


But when it came time for him to question Dunn, the ultra-partisan Goldman belittled her testimony as merely a Republican stunt, saying she was just “being used as a fact witness for an impeachment investigation,” Fox News. reported.

“Obviously, given what your experience has been, you don’t have the background to understand what a high crime and misdemeanor is and how it relates to this,” he accused the grieving mom, at about the 50-second mark in the video below:

“You would agree, would you not, that it would help to stop the fentanyl trade and fentanyl trafficking from coming into this country if we had more law enforcement officers at the border and more resources and technology to stop the fentanyl from coming in?” Goldman asked Dunn. “Do you agree with that?”

But Dunn was not so easily swayed by Goldman’s claim that Biden has beefed up the border patrol.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

“Border Patrol is now being used to make sandwiches and to screen people and let them into our country. So, I disagree with you,” Dunn clapped back.

“I would like the Border Patrol to be able to do the job that they were hired to do. Every border patrol officer that I have spoken to has told me that their hands are tied by this administration and Mr. Mayorkas,” she said.

Then she delivered the one damning question that put Goldman in his place:

“I’ve been to the border, sir, have you?”

Goldman did not answer. Obviously disguising his embarrassment at the question, he shot back instead, “Excuse me. I’m asking the questions.”

Judging by the social media reaction, his performance did not win him many supporters.

Dunn also lashed out at Goldman’s insults and told the Daily Caller News Foundation that he is clearly “unaware about what my understanding, about what my education, what my experience is in any of those areas when it comes to misdemeanors or high crimes.”

“I have my opinions, and for him to assume that I want to just put more money into a system that has had plenty of money placed into it and is still broken is incorrect. Please don’t think for me. I have a brain. I can think and speak for myself,” she added.

The fentanyl crisis continues to spin out of control, and has gotten so bad in New York City that officials are asking regular citizens to carry around their own supply of overdose medication.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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