
Hot Mic Catches Kamala Harris Checking Rally Location: 'Are We in Cleveland?'


It’s the oldest joke in the music joke book. The band takes the stage and says, “Hey, Cleveland!” The crowd stops cheering. They’re not in Cleveland.

To the extent that politicians are pop stars for people old enough to have 401(k)s and to ask who Post Malone is (you don’t need to know), Democrats will be pleased to note Kamala Harris almost didn’t make the mistake.

In fact, she technically didn’t. She really was in Cleveland on Saturday when she told supporters, “Hey, Cleveland, it’s Kamala!”

The success of her correct identification of the city was muted, however, because it came seconds after a hot mic caught her asking, “Are we in Cleveland?”

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It probably is worth noting this was the second time that Harris had planned to come to Cleveland, canceling her first trip to Ohio after one of her staffers tested positive for COVID-19, according to

As much as Ohio is a swing state that President Donald Trump needs to win for there to be any chance for his administration to stay in office for four more years, maybe that was a sign for Harris to stay away.

A scan of social media revealed some positive images out of the trip for Democrats. Why, look, here she is talking with the proprietor of a black-owned soul-food restaurant in downtown Cleveland:


And to undo that, here she is addressing people in line for early voting in Cleveland with a curious — indeed, wholly superfluous — message:

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“@KamalaHarris⁩ in Cleveland tells a long line of people waiting to vote, ‘make your voice head, VOTE!'” the tweet reported.

Which is what I believe they were doing. She arrived in Ohio a day late for high school football games, so I guess we couldn’t get footage of her in the socially distanced bleachers, imploring both squads to “learn discipline and how to build strong relationships, play team sports!”

The voting picture was tweeted by Harris’ press secretary, by the way, proof that the lack of situational awareness here wasn’t just an issue at the top.

But she had some lines from her speech the media were inclined to quote, including where she torched the president’s “weird obsession with trying to get rid of everything that Barack Obama and Joe Biden created.”

And then she had less-quoted lines from the speech, like this one where she inflated the COVID-19 death toll in the United States significantly by saying that “over 220 million” — instead of thousand — Americans had died from the illness.

If these all seem like things Joe Biden might have done, by the way, it’s because they’re things he has done. To Harris’ credit, at least she asked where she was. Biden didn’t check with his staff in South Carolina and New Hampshire, which he identified as North Carolina and Vermont, respectively.

He’s also made the mistake of using “millions” instead of “thousands” when talking about lives claimed by COVID-19:

If Biden hasn’t yelled at a line of voters to get out and vote, it’s likely because his campaign has assiduously kept him away from any situation that might provoke that response.

It’s almost like Joe Biden rubs off on a person after a while.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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