
Hollywood Switched from Wanting To Boycott Georgia To Begging It To Vote Dem in Under 2 Years


Georgia has to be heartily sick of Hollywood stars.

Barely a year after mounting a drive to boycott Georgia over a law aimed at outlawing abortion, a cast of the entertainment world’s A- through D-listers are suddenly fawning over the Peach State’s voters who hold the future of the Senate in their hands.

As a lesson in power politics as practiced by the left, it’s eye-opening – and the rest of the country should be paying attention.

In the pre-election, pre-coronavirus year of 2019, readers might remember, Georgia’s “fetal heartbeat” bill was one of the major battlegrounds of the culture wars, making abortions illegal after a baby’s heartbeat could be detected in the womb.

Naturally, some of the leading lights of Hollywood felt compelled to take a stand against the pro-life measure, passed by the state’s Republican-controlled legislature and signed by Republican Gov. Brian Kemp.

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The air was filled with a Hollywood production boycott of Georgia, a potentially serious blow to the economy of the state that, as Breitbart reported, “would have meant the loss of thousands of production jobs — mostly blue collar crew workers who toil long hours behind the camera.”

But Hollywood, and the left in general, doesn’t care about jobs in Georgia or anywhere else when they’re compared to what liberals consider to be the constitutional right of a woman to eliminate an unborn baby in her womb.


(Hollywood also doesn’t care much about human rights when it comes to humans who don’t live in the territorial United States, as Fox News’ Tucker Carlson pointed out in a segment about the Georgia boycott that noted that movie companies have no problem making films in China — a dangerous totalitarian dictatorship — or other human-rights abusers.)

That battle became moot – at least for the moment – when a federal judge placed the heartbeat bill on permanent hold in July. The Kemp administration has vowed to appeal, according to The Daily Caller News Foundation.

So the law is not at issue now. The Senate, however, is.

Democratic wins in both the Senate runoff races will mean a 50-50 Republican-Democrat tie in the upper chamber, which means the vice president would cast the tie-breaking votes.

And that means Hollywood stars who wanted nothing to do with Georgia before now want everything to do with how Georgia’s voters make up their minds.

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Figures like Alec Baldwin, Amy Schumer and Patton Oswalt – who have made themselves as infamous for their politics as for their entertainment skills during the Trump years – have switched from shunning Georgia to trying to convince its voters to back Democrats in the Jan. 5 Senate races, where Republican incumbent Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler are standing between Democrats and a Senate majority.

Democrats Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock are attempting to oust Perdue and Loeffler and change the Senate’s balance of power.

That would open the way for a disastrous Democrat-controlled government if Joe Biden assumes the presidency in January, with Kamala Harris as his vice president.

And Hollywood is showing the love.

Big names like Baldwin, mid-level stars like Schumer and “that-guy-looks-familiar” types like Oswalt have made their feelings known, somehow managing to come off as both pandering and pompous at the same time:

It’s doubtful that even a Georgia that almost elected a nonentity like Stacey Abrams to the governor’s seat in 2018 is ready to listen to the Hollywood elite now. (Particularly after a presidential election that will never be accepted by tens of millions of American voters thanks to Democratic scheming.)

But it is noticeable that the same celebrities who wanted to cut Georgia’s economic throat are now trying to get the state’s voters on their side.

That last Twitter post puts it perfectly: They do hate Georgia, and it is all about power.

For the left, it’s always about power. It was about using economic power to strangle a state when Hollywood was talking about a boycott.

It’s about political power as the Jan. 5 runoff elections dominate the country’s political scene.

It’s power politics, Hollywood style. And Georgians should be heartily sick of it by now.

The rest of the nation should take a lesson: The lives and livelihoods of everyday Americans mean nothing to liberals in their pursuit of political power.

And every American who cares about the country and its future should hope Georgia voters aren’t fooled a bit.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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