
Hollywood Actor Nick Searcy Says He'll Never Be Taken Alive After Defying Mayor's Ban on Walking


You know the coronavirus panic pimps have gone too far when residents of liberal California are rebelling over the Democrat-controlled state’s COVID lockdowns.

Take actor Nick Searcy, who defied Los Angeles’ new stay-at-home order by walking around his neighborhood. He filmed himself during his jaunt and posted the video on Twitter.

“I went for an illegal walk. You’ll never take me alive,” he wrote.

As Searcy strolled, he quipped, “This is the dumbest time in American history.”

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The previous day, Searcy walked around Los Angeles without a mask in defiance of a local mask mandate.

He said he amused himself by triggering pro-mask radicals, who clutched their pearls upon seeing his bare face.

“One of the last fun things to do in LA is to walk down the street without a mask on and watch all the stupid masked zombies cross the street before they get within 50 yards of you,” he tweeted.


Keep in mind that outdoor transmission of the coronavirus is minuscule, so forcing people to stay cooped up inside their homes isn’t exactly a science-based guideline.

Searcy was reacting to a new stay-at-home order by LA’s Democratic Mayor Eric Garcetti, who basically placed city residents under house arrest, citing a recent spike in coronavirus cases.

This means walking around your own neighborhood is prohibited. Failure to comply with the health order could result in fines or jail time.

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Ironically, Garcetti — a proponent of the left’s harebrained “defund the police” hysteria — urged the Los Angeles Police Department to “vigorously enforce” his lockdown order.

Garcetti further ignited volcanic backlash this week by chirping that “it’s time to cancel everything.”

“My message couldn’t be simpler,” Mayor Garcetti said in a video released Wednesday. “It’s time to hunker down. It’s time to cancel everything. And if it isn’t essential, don’t do it.”

Outraged Californians fired back at Garcetti on Twitter and in clever billboards.

Podcaster Dave Rubin, a self-described liberal, tweeted a comical video of the Kitson boutique in LA. The Kitson’s window displayed several large posters that slammed left-wing hypocrisy over coronavirus restrictions.

One of the posters showed Garcetti holding a fistful of cash next to a quote threatening to shut down small businesses.

The quote reads: “I will turn your power off if you don’t obey. Target, Costco, Walmart, etc. can sell nonessential items but small businesses are forbidden.”

The implication was that retail giants such as Target, Walmart and Amazon enjoyed exceptions that their smaller rivals did not.

As California ramps up COVID restrictions, a growing number of Democratic politicians from the state, including Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and Speaker of the U.S. House Nancy Pelosi, have been caught defying the very restrictions they scold everyone else to follow.

If you’re going to talk the talk, you really should walk the walk.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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