
Hillary Clinton Sets the Stage for Chaos: 'Joe Biden Should Not Concede Under Any Circumstances'


Hillary Clinton has spent almost three decades in the public eye giving Americans a continuing lesson in hypocrisy and contempt for the country, but she’s outdoing even herself these days when it comes to the presidential election.

In fact, the former first lady, senator and secretary of state all but guaranteed post-election chaos when she gave Democratic nominee Joe Biden a piece of advice that flies in the face of 230 years of American history and tradition.

“Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances,” Clinton declared in a clip posted Monday, stressing the last two words in the sentence, “because I think this is going to drag out, and eventually, I do believe he will win if we don’t give an inch and if we are as focused and relentless as the other side is.”

The statement came in an interview with Jennifer Palmieri, the former Obama White House communications director and communications director for Clinton’s 2016 campaign.

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Contemporary Democrats are famous for hypocritically projecting their own sins onto the opposition. In fact, it’s a rock-solid bet that any time a 21st-century liberal accuses a Republican of misbehavior, it’s mainly Democrats who are guilty of it.

But Clinton’s comment, at a time when Democrats and their mainstream media allies are openly speculating on whether Trump will accept an electoral defeat, is jaw-dropping.

Just a few examples are below:


In June, Biden told Trevor Noah, host of “The Daily Show,” that his greatest fear about November was Trump would try to “steal” the election.

When asked what would happen if Trump lost the election but refused to concede defeat, according to Variety, the aspiring president said he was certain the military would “escort [Trump] from the White House with great dispatch.”

In July, the liberal website Salon published a piece predicting Trump could “simply refuse to leave the White House, claiming that the election results are fraudulent.”

On Aug. 11, a week before the opening of the Democratic National Convention, two retired Army officers published an open letter to Army Gen. Mark Milley, the current chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, urging him to be willing to order the military to remove the president from the executive mansion if he refuses to accept the results of electoral defeat. (A Pentagon spokesman called the question “an unserious thought.”)

And in her own speech to the Democratic National Convention last week, Clinton said Democrats need to vote in such numbers that Trump “can’t sneak or steal his way to victory.”

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And now, this same woman is openly counseling the standard-bearer of her political party to refuse to accept the results of an American presidential election “under any circumstances.”

While the replies section under the video naturally had a fair number of Clinton supporters, there were plenty who saw the danger, and hypocrisy, in Clinton’s statement:

This is the eventuality liberals have been working on since the riots that greeted Trump’s inauguration in Washington in 2017.

It’s what happens when a major political party decides to show its contempt for American voters by abandoning the norms of the political system and declaring itself #TheResistance, as though a duly elected presidential administration is some kind of occupying army.

It’s what happens, in short, when a man like Trump and millions and millions of his countrymen declare they are not willing to follow the Democratic Party down the path shown by the Obama administration — the path of a statist, ever-more authoritarian government and anemic economy at home; appeasement of enemies; and abandonment of allies abroad.

But that’s the path Clinton and her political supporters are pushing for, and it’s the path they’re determined to set — even if it means fomenting chaos around the results of a presidential election.

And as Clinton made clear in her recent interview, they’re willing to go to any lengths to get there.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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