
Hillary Clinton Gets Major Blowback After Questioning Trump's 'First Allegiance'


Hillary Clinton has spent her entire public life hurling accusations against her political opponents to hide the truth about herself.

But in a Twitter post on Thursday, she put even that sordid past to shame.

The former first lady, senator and secretary of state took to social media to claim, ludicrously, that President Donald Trump’s “first allegiance” is not to the American people.

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The response she got could not have been what she was looking for.

It’s a classic Clinton construction.

Within days of news breaking that U.S. intelligence officials had referred Clinton’s presidential campaign in 2016 to the FBI for an investigation of its potential role in a plan to smear then-candidate Donald Trump as a tool of Russian intelligence, the woman who’d been all but anointed to the presidency by the mainstream media is accusing the man who defeated her of disloyalty to the country.

(Not surprisingly, that same mainstream media has largely ignored what could be a blockbuster revelation.)

But if the social media response is any indication, the country isn’t buying what Clinton is selling.

Of course, there were a few knee-jerk “attagirl”-type tweets from diehards who still haven’t gotten over what happened on Nov. 8-9, 2016, and the expected juvenile snarking from the kind of Trump haters who make up the base of the Democratic Party. But the vast, vast majority mocked Clinton mercilessly.

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Clinton, with her record of serial lies to the American people going back to her White House days through her time at the State Department to her 2016 campaign, is in no position to question Trump’s loyalty.

This is the woman who oversaw the sellout of American uranium deposits to the Russian government while her husband, a former American president, was collecting a half-million speaking fee in Moscow.

She’s the woman who took part in deceiving the country about the 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya — so then-President Barack Obama would not be publicly blamed for them as he headed toward re-election.


And all of this, and much more, took place while Clinton was using a private email server that exposed both herself and her country to infiltration by foreign intelligence services.

Of every American in public life, Clinton’s past makes her likely the least qualified to question whether Trump’s loyalties are truly to the country — particularly after a term in office in which literally every step he’s taken has been to further American interests, whether improving the economy at home or destroying terrorism abroad.

And social media users let her know it. Here’s a small sample of the kind of blowback Clinton received:

The fact that a woman with a trail of scandal as long as Hillary Clinton’s has the gall to attack the patriotism of anyone — much less the man in the Oval Office, is a testament to just how shameless three decades of life in the soft-focus spotlight of a fawning mainstream media have made her.

Clinton knows full well the American media will never attack her — or even cover her — with anything like the intensity Trump and every member of his family receives.

She knows full well the Washington establishment that supported her to succeed Barack Obama is full of toadies, sycophants and bootlicking liars who pine for the restoration of Democratic power in the White House.

And she knows that accusing her political opponents of the very crimes she’s guilty of is the best weapon she can use to deflect attention from her own considerable faults.

She’s spent a lifetime learning that, and putting that knowledge to use — and the country has suffered grievously for it.

But her Twitter post on Thursday should have been too far, even for Clinton and her most blindly partisan supporters.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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