
Hero: Delta Gate Agent Refuses to Put Up with Transgender's Nonsense


A Delta Air Lines employee in New York City is being praised for a viral video that shows him standing up to the nonsense of a “transgender” man by shutting down the man’s attempt to portray himself as a victim of being misgendered.

This story is truly a sign of the troubled times in which we live, but our story has a hero: A man who had reached the limits of tolerance and stood firmly — but politely — against insanity.

The original video was shared by TikTok user and actor Tommy Dorfman, who played in the Netflix series “13 Reasons Why.” Dorfman calls himself a woman and lives his life using feminine pronouns.

The video of the interaction at a Delta counter in a TikTok video might not have gotten the response he was looking for.

As the entertainment website The Wrap reported, “The TikTok has since been deleted by Dorfman after a barrage of users commented on the post, but not before the video was downloaded and re-uploaded elsewhere. Reposts gained traction on X, as well.”

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According to The Wrap, the incident took place at New York City’s La Guardia Airport.

While speaking to airline employees just before Christmas, Dorfman alleged he had been intentionally “misgendered” by a female Delta employee.

The viral clip begins with Dorfman asking an unidentified male employee, “And what about when a Delta employee misgenders you intentionally?”

The male employee then addressed another person off-camera and said, “While he’s talking, you’re talking over him.”

Dorfman cut in to again rip the airline’s employees for not using his preferred gender pronouns.

“You just misgendered me again, multiple times, both of you have,” Dorfman said.

The male employee responded, “It wasn’t intentional but if you want to take it personally, that’s also OK.”

A female Delta employee then cut in after Dorfman alleged she had misgendered him multiple times.

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“Well, she did do it intentionally, twice,” Dorman said, to which the female employee disagreed.

As Dorfman continued to disrupt what looked like it should have been a simple boarding process, the male employee reached the point where he’d had enough.

“You’re being condescending, and if you want to continue, I’ll have Port Authority escort you out the building right this moment if you want to play that game with me,” he said, with the kind of command presence needed to deal with the severely mentally ill in such scenarios.

“Would you like to continue three days before Christmas? I really don’t mind.”


Dorfman, seemingly sensing he was not going to be able to succeed in making himself the center of attention without getting removed from the airport, dropped his complaints and moved on.

The employee was praised on the social media platform X for standing up to the transgender bullying:

Newsweek reported Delta said it was aware of the video and was investigating the interaction.

The no-nonsense male employee could well face some form of punishment from his woke corporate bosses, but let’s hope it’s not too severe. Still, his response to being harangued by a nut job deserves some praise.

Not too long ago, this Delta employee’s actions would have been anything but newsworthy.

In this day and age – when the inmates are running the asylum – he took a bold stance by standing up for common sense and for he and his colleague.

As more and more lost people cling to the false notion they can magically shift their God-given sexs, more and more of them are using their perceived new identities to create drama they can post online for clout.

To see one of them so quickly disarmed is inspiring, hilarious and a little sad, as this used to be a proper country.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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