
Gutfeld Hilariously Roasts 'Conspiracy Theory' Pushed by the Left, Rips Apart Hunter Biden's New Lawsuit


Fox News host Greg Gutfeld lampooned President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, for filing a frivolous lawsuit accusing the owner of a computer repair shop — where he had abandoned a laptop containing lurid photos and incriminating emails — of invading his privacy.

“Hunter Biden has finally put some pants on and is now suing Delaware repair shop owner John Paul Mac Isaac … He’s being sued for invasion of privacy,” the “Gutfeld!” host said Monday on his talk show.

“Yes, Hunter is suing him for invasion of privacy. Hunter … who has been seen nude by more people than the statue of David. Honestly, in the last year, I’ve seen this guy’s genitals more times than his primary care physician. … He has invaded my privacy — the privacy of my own nightmares.”

Gutfeld continued: “As you know, Mr. Mac Isaac claimed Hunter dropped off a laptop for repair in April 2019 and then never came back.

“The laptop contained not only salacious photos and videos of the naughtiest little Biden cavorting with hookers and crack but also copious evidence of the Biden family’s massive international corruption. Specifically, the family received over a million bucks from accounts linked to Hunter’s Chinese business associates,” he said.

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For reference, Hunter Biden filed his lawsuit Friday in Delaware federal court. He claims the shop owner conspired to invade his privacy and illegally shared the obscene contents of his laptop.

The computer contained a trove of scandalous nude photos of Hunter having sex with prostitutes and smoking crack cocaine, as well as thousands of emails detailing influence-peddling involving then-Vice President Joe Biden, according to the New York Post.

Hunter left his computer at the Wilmington repair shop in April 2019.


Mac Isaac took possession of the laptop later that year after Hunter allegedly failed to return to retrieve it despite numerous attempts to contact him.

The corporate media initially claimed the laptop story was “Russian disinformation,” with many citing a letter signed by dozens of former U.S. intelligence officials. However, the contents have since been declared authentic by numerous experts.

Gutfeld said the salacious contents of Hunter’s laptop are so incriminating to the Biden family that even left-wing media outlets admit it looks bad.

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He showed an excerpt of CNN host Erin Burnett saying “it doesn’t sound good. There’s a guy whose name is John Robertson Walker. He gets $3 million from a Chinese-based company and proceeds to wire it out to a bunch of people named Biden, one of whom is Hunter Biden.”

Burnett continued: “Another one is a company that belongs to the president’s brother, James Biden, and another amount of money to Beau Biden’s widow, Hallie. So, again, from a layperson, that doesn’t look good.”

Gutfeld sarcastically recounted how left-wing activists masquerading as objective “journalists” cavalierly discredited the laptop story with zero evidence.

“Of course, the Biden 2020 campaign and every liberal journalist in the world insisted without evidence that the laptop’s contents were Russian disinfo, when, really, the only thing Russian on that laptop were probably the hookers,” he said.

“Of course, that disinfo claim was ridiculous to begin with,” Gutfeld continued. “I mean, what was the theory supposed to be anyway? That Putin set up a fake computer repair shop in Wilmington, just on the remote chance that a decade later, a presidential candidate’s crackhead son would stumble inside and abandon a bunch of juicy evidence that might swing a presidential election?”

“That conspiracy theory is as thin as Joe’s hair on his head,” he quipped.

Gutfeld also mocked Hunter Biden, saying he indirectly verified the authenticity of the laptop’s contents with his lawsuit.

“Hunter wouldn’t sue anybody for violating his privacy if it’s fake evidence planted by the Russkies, right?” the Fox News host said.

“And now all the news outlets that pushed the Russia disinfo lie are just pretending they never made that claim. Which suggests that Joe’s dementia was always more contagious than COVID.”

Gutfeld underscored that the establishment media, which essentially act like Democratic operatives, were wrong about every major news story of the past few years, while he and other conservatives were right.

“So you know what I’ve noticed lately? We were right about everything,” he said.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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