
Gun Store Owner Notices Detail on Antifa Supporter's Business Card, Now Refusing to Hand Over the Firearm


A gun shop owner in Florence, Oregon, turned away a customer who was looking to buy a gun when the customer handed over his business card that showed he was affiliated with the violent, extreme, left-wing organization antifa.

Would-be customer Mark Iannicelli went complaining to the local media when the staffers at the Florence Gun Shop refused to hand over a gun he had bought online when he went to the shop for the required federal background check.

Gun buyers can buy a gun online without a background check, however, the firearm has to be shipped first to a gun dealer near the customer for the dealer to perform the federal background check and to fill out the required paperwork to then legally transfer the gun to the buyer.

But apparently Mark Iannicelli’s transfer process ran into a little hiccup when the gun dealer did not feel the customer was trustworthy.

One big tipoff spooked the gun dealer, who told Iannicelli that the deal was off.

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“It’s because I had given him this business card, and he said he didn’t feel good about it because he didn’t support antifa,” Iannicelli told KEZI-TV.

The left-wing customer said he tried to explain away his support for antifa by saying, “I explained to him it’s more like a movement.”

Antifa has been linked to hundreds domestic attacks, riots, and millions in property damage, not to mention repeated threats of terroristic attacks on their political opponents.


But Iannicelli claimed he has never actually attended any antifa activities with Portland antifa.

“You know I have never actually gone up there and marched with antifa, but he was adamant he wasn’t going to sell me the firearm,” he told the outlet.

There are several other red flags on the man’s business card, too. He shows support for opposing “gangstalking” and has several references to “targeted” individuals, both of which are euphemisms used by left-wingers to describe police harassment.

Iannicelli is now accusing the gun shop of violating his Second Amendment right to bear arms by refusing to transfer the firearm to his possession.

He also said that a mere gun shop should not be allowed to determine who they should sell to based on a customer’s political affiliations.

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“A person’s ethnicity, their race, their political belief, their religion, like that … the guy’s job is to sell guns,” Iannicelli exclaimed. “You give a name card you know and it has some type of political group he doesn’t like … he can simply throw the card away.”

He also said he is afraid he’s now persona non grata in the gun store and feels cheated.

“I feel like I’m being, you know, ripped off I feel like because I have to pay two or three times more than the average citizen and have my second amendment rights violated,” Iannicelli moaned.

“I’m really getting screwed around,” he said adamantly. “This shouldn’t be happening in this country.”

Nathan Graham, owner of the Florence Gun Shop, defended his decision.

“Looks like we made the news,” Graham wrote on Facebook.

“We are constantly in support of individuals and there 2A right and will continue to support SAFE and lawful firearm transfers,” he added.

However, Graham also had a caveat, saying, “In the event that a individual makes us uncomfortable in the shop we will continue to act accordingly.”

Of course, the gun shop is not a government business, and the owner has a right to deny a sale if he wants, as long as it is within reason and in compliance with state and federal laws.

And with the many examples of domestic terrorism to which antifa has been linked, it may be a good idea not to hand a person so proud of being affiliated with that group a firearm.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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