
GOP Takes Off Gloves in Warnock Race, Slams Dem with Brutal Domestic Violence Ad


With a new year only a day away, the mainstream media is ending 2020 how it began:

With its thumb firmly on the scale to help Democrats as much as possible in American politics.

And a GOP campaign ad released Wednesday shows how clear that bias actually is.

The National Republican Senatorial Committee’s 30-second spot aims to remind viewers of the March incident in which Georgia Democratic Senate candidate Raphael Warnock was accused by his now-former wife of running over her foot with his car during a domestic dispute.

The ad is brutal.

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“I’ve tried to keep the way he acts under wraps for a long time and today he crossed the line,” Ouleye Ndoye, Warnock’s then-spouse told police in bodycam footage that was aired on Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight” on Dec. 22. “He is a great actor. He is phenomenal at putting on a really good show.”

The implication, of course, is that Warnock was a serial spouse abuser. Warnock has been dogged by scandals regarding race and allegations that a church camp he used to run was notorious for abuse.


But his wife alleging abuse is a different matter.

If any Republican in a tight campaign had been accused of a pattern of that kind of behavior by his wife, it would have been national news.

If a Republican in a race as consequential as the Georgia Senate runoff elections had been accused, it would have set off a feeding frenzy in the mainstream media.

With the two Georgia Senate seats deciding the majority in the upper chamber of Congress — and quite possibly the course of the country for at least the next two years – there would have been no end to the coverage of Ndoye’s accusations, regardless of their merits.

Instead, thanks no doubt to Warnock’s Democratic Party affiliation, the incident was almost immediately forgotten — leaving it to the arm of the GOP dedicated to winning Senate races to do the job the media would have happily undertaken against a Republican.

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The ad brings attention not only to the specific situation in Warnock’s then-failing marriage but to the issue of domestic violence as a whole.

To be fair, it’s entirely possible that Ndoye’s allegations could have no merit. Words said in the heat of the moment can be regretted, domestic disputes are infamous for producing “he said/she said” stories that can’t be trusted.

But that doesn’t mean they don’t deserve attention. Ndoye’s suggestion that a man running for the United States Senate was guilty of domestic abuse is a serious matter and should be treated that way.

That isn’t going to happen in the mainstream media — not with the political stakes so high.

Democrats and their mainstream media allies have proven for decades they only care about the abuse of women when it suits their political agenda.

That’s why former President Bill Clinton has gotten a lifetime pass no matter how many women have come forward or how credible their accusations are.

It’s why the accusation of Tara Reade — a former staffer for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden — that Biden sexually assaulted her attracted the attention of the mainstream media only long enough for Reade to be attacked and ostensibly discredited.

Now, with Georgia’s runoff elections featuring Warnock trying to dislodge Sen. Kelly Loeffler and Democrat Jon Ossoff trying to oust Sen. David Perdue, domestic violence accusations against Warnock are being almost universally ignored by a mainstream media intent on putting Americans at the mercy of a radically progressive political party with a radically progressive agenda it’s hiding behind avuncular façade of a doddering, almost certainly corrupt Joe Biden.

If either Loeffler or Perdue remains in office, Republicans will retain their Senate majority. If both Warnock and Ossoff win, the Senate will be tied between Republicans and Democrats and independents who caucus with Democrats.

Tying votes would cast by the vice president. If Biden does indeed get sworn into office despite challenges from President Donald Trump and other Republicans to the Nov. 3 vote, that tying vote would be held by a Vice President Kamala Harris.

That means the mainstream media won’t be spending any time on any story that could make Ossoff or Warnock look bad.

The mainstream media started 2020 with nightmarishly biased coverage of the sham impeachment attempt against President Donald Trump in the United States Senate.

It’s ending 2020 the same way — with nightmarishly biased coverage of two races that will decide the future of the Senate, and possibly the country.

That NRSC ad doesn’t have to convict Warnock of anything, but it should convince Georgia, and the rest of the country, to take a hard look at a Democratic Party that’s bent on hiding the truth, and a mainstream media that is trying desperately to help.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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