
GOP Rep Who Opposed Biden Impeachment Introduces Resolution Calling on Kamala to Invoke 25th Amendment Against Him


Republican Rep. Ken Buck of Colorado does not believe President Joe Biden has done anything to warrant impeachment. But the impeachment critic said, it is time to send Biden out to pasture using the 25th Amendment.

Buck indicated to The Hill that the catalyst for his resolution to remove Biden was a report from Special Counsel Robert Hur, who investigated Biden’s handling of classified documents.

The report produced a scathing summary of Biden’s competency, summing him up as a “sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”

“The Hur report officially addressed what many Americans have long witnessed with their own eyes — that President Biden is no longer fit to successfully discharge the critical duties of his office,” Buck said in a statement.

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“Numerous instances were articulated in the report, and have played out in full public view, showing President Biden’s apparent cognitive decline and lack of mental stamina,” he said.

“The societal challenges and security threats our country faces are innumerable and require a chief executive with both strong mental and physical faculties,” Buck said. “The time has come for the vice president and the Cabinet to put our country first and move forward on invoking the 25th Amendment.”

The text of the resolution called on Vice President Kamala Harris “to immediately use her powers under Section 4 of the 25th Amendment to convene and mobilize the principal officers of the executive departments in the Cabinet to declare what is obvious to a horrified Nation: That the President is unable to successfully discharge the duties and powers of his office.”


The resolution would then have Harris become acting president.

Most of the resolution is an indictment of Biden’s actions as president, noting that he “has been televised wandering aimlessly at events, including an event with the King of Jordan at the White House in February 2024, an Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit event in November 2023, and a Global Fund conference in September 2022.”

The resolution said Biden “frequently speaks publicly in an incoherent and indiscernible manner,” citing multiple instances from 2021 through this year.

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The resolution further noted four instances in which Biden fell while walking up the stairs of Air Force One.

In addition to citing the Hur report, Buck’s resolution noted instances when Biden has mentioned speaking of dead European leaders when he meant ones who are still alive.

The resolution also noted that in response to the Hur report, “Biden reassured reporters that his memory was fine and then referred to Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi as the ‘president of Mexico.'”

The 25th Amendment allows the vice president, acting in concert with the Cabinet, to declare that a sitting president can no longer fulfill the duties of the office, according to Politico. It has never been invoked.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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