
GOP Rep. Mace Goes Nuclear on Trans Activist, Confronts Him with His Own Tweets During Hearing


There was one good thing about when Twitter operated with extreme leftist bias: It encouraged radical activists to show who they truly are, with no fear of censorship, real criticism or even disapproval.

Those extremist statements are documented on the internet, easy to find with a little bit of digging and ready to resurface at the most awkward moments for those who made them.

In a Tuesday hearing of the House Oversight Committee, left-wing transgender activist Alejandra Caraballo was reminded the hard way of how our words can come back to bite us.

Republican South Carolina Rep. Nancy Mace laid a verbal trap into which Caraballo fell hard.

Under Democrats’ control, the Oversight Committee is usually more about misdirecting than overseeing, such as when an investigation into President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden, was blocked in September.

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Mace, however, made the most of her time during the hearing Tuesday, which had the over-the-top title “The Evolution of Anti-Democratic Extremist Groups and the Ongoing Threat to Democracy.”

She led with an assertion that social media was a recruitment tool for extremists “from both sides of the aisle.”

The congresswoman asked the witnesses, including Caraballo, to respond to yes or no questions, such as whether rhetoric on social media was a threat to democracy and whether rhetoric targeting officials with violence was a threat to democracy. All of the witnesses said yes.

Mace then dropped the hammer. She shared tweets Caraballo — a man who identifies as female and goes by “@Esqueer_ ” on the platform — sent after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June.


“The six justices who overturned Roe should never know peace again,” the transgender activist wrote. “It is our civic duty to accost them every time they’re in public. They are pariahs. Since women don’t have their rights these justices should never have a peaceful moment in public again.”

The Republican congresswoman described how she believed rhetoric led to an intimidation campaign against her, to the point she now carries a gun for self-defense.

Mace then shared that on Nov. 19, Caraballo tweeted that the Supreme Court “is not a legitimate court issuing decisions. It’s an organ of the far right that solely follows outcome determinative logic rather than any reasoned jurisprudence.”

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

Mace then asked, “So my last question today of Ms. Caraballo, do you stand by these comments, this kind of rhetoric on social media, and do you believe it’s a threat to democracy?”

Caraballo attempted to dodge the question by offering to clarify and add context to the hateful messages.

However, a man who identifies as a woman is not an ideal source for clarity or context.

“I had a question, is it yes or no: Do you believe your rhetoric is a threat to democracy, when you’re calling to accost a branch of government, the Supreme Court?” Mace said.

Caraballo was reduced to saying the words used were not an accurate characterization of the statements, though it’s hard to imagine what else they could mean.

The congresswoman pressed further, asking, “Did you not tweet that? That you thought that the Supreme Court justices should be accosted?”

The trans activist refused to answer yes or no.

Mace went on to describe other officials facing threats, such as the armed stalker arrested for going after Justice Brett Kavanaugh in July.

After having been embarrassed in the congressional hearing, Caraballo complained Wednesday on Twitter that Mace was “more concerned about scoring political points than having a conversation about violence against the LGBTQ community.”

Ultimately, what Mace did was make a pure Alinsky move: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”

The activist left has used Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” for years as an instruction book to advance its agenda. The education site Open Culture lists the techniques.

Mace showed how the lessons can be adapted to not require deceit or threats to be effective.

By catching Caraballo acting hypocritically, she made the left-wing transgender activist self-identify as a threat to democracy and then look ridiculous when trying to deny it.

That is a good way to deactivate an activist.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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