
If GOP Regains Power, Will Launch Three Investigations Into Matters Dems Have Been Unwilling to Touch - Report


Republicans reportedly plan to launch investigations into at least three areas if they regain control of Congress.

All have been stifled by Democrats while they have been at the helm of both the Senate and the House of Representatives.

CBS News investigative reporter Catherine Herridge recounted that in private discussions with House Republicans, they shared their top priorities for congressional inquiry.

The first is the “origins of COVID-19, with a specific focus on U.S. research dollars and what they were used for at the lab in Wuhan,” Herridge said.

The second is border security and illegal immigration at the southern border.

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And the third is “Hunter Biden’s business dealings and whether there are national security implications and whether any laws were broken,” according to the journalist.

“We know through our reporting at the investigative unit that the U.S. attorney in Delaware is considering possible tax fraud violations, as well as money laundering and violations of [the Foreign Agents Registration Act],” Herridge said.

Do you think these issues should be investigated by Congress?

She explained that FARA “requires American citizens to register with the Department of Justice when they are acting on the behalf of a foreign government.”

The Associated Press reported there is also “increasing discussion” among Republicans about a need to appoint a special counsel to look into Hunter Biden’s overseas business dealings.

President Joe Biden has stated on multiple occasions that he knew nothing about Hunter’s work in this regard.

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Fox News host Mark Levin, who served as a top official in the Reagan Justice Department, believes enough information has surfaced about the “corrupt” Biden family business dealings to warrant an immediate appointment of a special counsel.

On his program “Life, Liberty & Levin,” which aired earlier this month, Levin pointed to reporting from The Washington Post and The New York Times to argue even mainstream media outlets, which cast doubt or ignored the information contained on Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop in the weeks before the 2020 election, now have conceded the story is true.

“The fact of the matter is many people voted without information that the Biden family was being paid by the communist Chinese government and by their military,” Levin said.

The Post story detailed that an investigation by the Justice Department found documents showing a financial arrangement between CEFC China Energy, Hunter Biden and his uncle, the president’s brother, James Biden.

“CEFC, a massive oil and gas company founded in 2002, had financing from government development banks and ties to the Chinese Communist Party and the People’s Liberation Army, according to people who studied the firm,” the news outlet reported.

The company first connected with Hunter Biden while his father Joe Biden was vice president during the Obama administration in Dec. 2015.

“Over the course of 14 months, the Chinese energy conglomerate and its executives paid $4.8 million to entities controlled by Hunter Biden and his uncle, according to government records, court documents and newly disclosed bank statements, as well as emails contained on a copy of a laptop hard drive that purportedly once belonged to Hunter Biden,” according to the Post.

GOP Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio pointed out during a recent House Judiciary Committee hearing that before the election Joe Biden had claimed his son did not make money from Chinese business interests.

“There are 4.8 million reasons why that statement was not accurate,” Jordan said.

The New York Post’s Miranda Devine, author of the book “Laptop from Hell,” tied Joe Biden directly to his son’s business dealings.

In a 2019 text message reported obtained from the laptop, Hunter complained to his daughter about paying the Biden family’s expenses for the last 30 years and handing over half of his salary to his father.

Additionally, emails from 2010 indicated Hunter paid thousands of dollars in his father’s household expenses.

Levin concluded, based on the known information, “[W]e need a federal special counsel. We cannot leave it to [Attorney General] Merrick Garland and the political appointees at the Department of Justice. This is why we have special counsels.”

Biden told a flat out lie, as he often does, that he knew nothing of his son’s business practices,” Levin said. “We have witnesses. We have contemporary information, documents, a laptop.”

“Communist China is our biggest enemy, and they’re staring us down, and it is my contention we have a man in the Oval Office who is by all evidence corrupt, bought off.”

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