
'We Have To Go Back to the Core Values': Trump Savages Critical Race Theory in High Point of Debate


The left has artfully manipulated language to make any opposition to their radical agenda seem extreme and racist.

For instance, a Marxist revolutionary group uses the phrase “Black Lives Matter” as its moniker and mantra to make it all but impossible for average folks to publicly voice opposition to the group, lest they lose their livelihood and good name to cancel culture (or at the very least, get unfriended by their old college roommates on social media).

Another example is seen in the use of the term “critical race theory,” which sounds innocuously like the kind of garbage course colleges create to complete an equally useless, non-scholarly major of the same name.

Instead, it’s actually a sinister reincarnation of the kind of bigoted indoctrination that is typically reserved for whatever group a society wishes to “otherize.”

It has recently wormed its way into the lexicon of human resources managers in the private and public sectors alike, including several federal government agencies.

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Luckily, President Donald Trump is undeterred by the threat of being labeled a racist, which the leftist media has already been doing so since 2015, bolstered by their audience of useful idiots who lack of even a modicum of the critical thinking skills to see past the tactic.

Trump has moved to ban the propagation of critical race theory in federal agencies. He has also attacked efforts to implant the ideology in the minds of America’s future generations, calling it “a Marxist doctrine holding that America is a wicked and racist nation, that even young children are complicit in oppression and that our entire society must be radically transformed.”

During Tuesday night’s debate with former Vice President Joe Biden, the Democratic nominee in the 2020 election, Trump was asked about the ban on training seminars which use taxpayer money to teach government employees that the country is racist.

Fox News host Chris Wallace, who moderated the debate, posed a question about the Trump administration’s move while conflating critical race theory with “racial sensitivity training.”


“This month, your administration directed federal agencies to end racial sensitivity training that addresses white privilege or critical race theory,” Wallace began. “Why did you decide to do that, to end racial sensitivity training? And do you believe that there is systemic racism in this country, sir?”

“I ended it because it’s racist,” Trump replied. “I ended it because a lot of people were complaining that they were asked to do things that were absolutely insane, that it was a radical revolution that was taking place in our military, in our schools, all over the place.

“And you know it, and so does everybody else.”

“What is radical about racial sensitivity training?” Wallace asked, either intentionally or unintentionally equating critical race theory with racial sensitivity training once again.

“If you were a certain person, you had no status in life, it was sort of a reversal,” Trump began.

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“And if you look at the people, we were paying people hundreds of thousands of dollars to teach very bad ideas and frankly, very sick ideas,” he continued.

“And really, they were teaching people to hate our country, and I’m not going to do that. I’m not going to allow that to happen.

“We have to go back to the core values of this country. They were teaching people that our country is a horrible place, it’s a racist place. And they were teaching people to hate our country and I’m not going to allow that to happen,” Trump concluded.

“Nobody’s doing that. He’s the racist,” was Biden’s unoriginal reply.

Besides the fact that critical race theory and racial sensitivity training are — or at least ought to be — vastly different in scope and purpose, Trump was undeterred from answering the question the way folks at home were hoping: In arguably his best moment of the debate, he honestly called out critical race theory for perpetuating racism.

When it comes to public schools (over which Trump has admittedly less control when it comes to curriculum than he does over training seminars within federal agencies), Trump has proposed a better sort of alternative, teaching schoolchildren about the rich history that made America great while not marginalizing white children or any other race.

Shouldn’t that be the aim of any curriculum concerned with equality?

The president instinctively understands how toxic it is to teach one race that they should be denied a voice because of their perceived privilege, or that any inequality of outcome is related only to oppression rather than personal responsibility.

The country is not fatally flawed because of its history of racism, but rather fortified by its ultimate triumph over actual systemic racism and transformation into a society that treats everyone equally under the law.

Of course, Trump’s critics will paint him as a vicious racist despite the fact that he is brave enough to fight for true equality that does not discriminate based on skin color — white, black, brown or otherwise.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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