
Glenn Beck Thinks He Knows Identity of People 'Back East' Who Tried to Bribe Kari Lake


CORRECTION, Feb. 5, 2024: Republican Kari Lake and Democrat Ruben Gallego are Arizona Senate candidates in their respective parties’ primary races, which won’t be held until Aug. 6. An earlier version of this article suggested otherwise.

Glenn Beck says that it’s time to defund the GOP unless or until the Republican Party reveals the movers and shakers who allegedly tried to bribe MAGA superstar Kari Lake to drop out of the race for U.S. Senate in Arizona.

“Every single person that writes a check, to any GOP person, you should not fund the GOP until this is exposed and cleaned up,” the “sick and tired” Blaze boss said on his podcast. “This is corruption at the highest levels.”

“We cannot say we’re the good guys if this stuff is happening in our own party,” Beck said, while also implying that he may know who is responsible. 

On audio of a conversation published this week, Jeff DeWit can be heard allegedly encouraging Lake to step aside in exchange for a cushy, non-political job for an undisclosed amount of money.

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This incident potentially seems to justify claims that the so-called uniparty is actually controlling the Washington agenda, and that Republicans and Democrats in Congress may be merely staging an exhibition match equivalent to what goes in professional wrestling.

DeWit, who seemed to claim that he was an emissary from powerful people “back East,” has since stepped down from his position as the state’s Republican Party chair.

America First stalwart Kari Lake, who previously revealed this conversation took place, emphatically rejected the go-along-to get-along offer.


Beck implied that he might know for whom DeWit was fronting, and that from what he’s heard through the grapevine, it was hardly the first time that this general kind of inducement was extended to others, although it’s usually handled far less blatantly.

Without naming anyone, however, and it wouldn’t take a lot of imagination to perhaps figure it out, Beck alluded to certain person or persons with a “big, huge treasure chest” who might be behind this “slimy” offer. 

Beck then analyzed the scenario through the MOM (motive, opportunity, and means) lens:

“Let’s ask MOM: Who has the motive to stop Kari Lake from going into the Senate? Who has the opportunity to do it? And who has a giant Senate chest, that has used it in, hmm, I think ways that the average Republican would not be very proud of?” Beck asked. 

“And we have seen this treasure chest used against Republicans, who are the only choice in some states. Who has the means? Check. I’m thinking of someone. The opportunity? Check again. And the motive? Giant check.”

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Beck somewhat coyly admitted that he couldn’t nail down the truth behind any of this, however, “so I don’t want to say a name because I don’t know.”

He added, however, that “we damn well better find out. Every single person in this audience should be calling the GOP national headquarters today, and saying, what the hell is this?”

Beck went on to lament the fact the authorities still haven’t been able to find out who leaked the Dobbs decision “that put our Supreme Court justices lives at risk,” even though only a handful of individuals had access to the draft.

Glenn Beck insisted that this type of unethical swamp scenario is what former President Trump is fighting against in contrast to Trump’s one remaining rival for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination.

“And let me tell you: This is exactly the kind of stuff that Nikki Haley allowed to happen in her own camp. She knew really bad organizations and funds that fund the Democratic Party in all kinds of ways, went to her, and said, ‘look, we’ll fund you.’ And she said yes.”

According to Beck, “This is not good by any stretch of the imagination.”

Lake is leading the Republican primary race for the seat now held by Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, a Democrat turned independent. Rep. Ruben Gallego is the front-runner in the Democratic primary race.

The GOP candidate said she’s not sure who was behind the bribe, but there is a long list of possible suspects. “You could literally probably come up with a list of about 400-500 people or groups that are behind this,” she said. “We can’t have that kind of corruption happening in Washington, D.C.”

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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