
Giuliani Takes Trump Election Fight to Federal Court in PA


If Democrats had hoped President Donald Trump would go quietly into the night, they’re finding out they were sorely mistaken. Not only is he standing his ground, he has come out with guns blazing.

The Trump campaign’s latest move has been to send in the President’s personal attorney, the relentless, unflappable and devoted former mayor of New York City, Rudy Giuliani.

Last week, the Trump campaign filed a lawsuit against Pennsylvania’s Democratic Secretary of State, Kathy Boockvar, and several counties in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania. According to The Hill, the lawsuit “alleges that the commonwealth set up an illegal system in which voters were held to different standards depending on how they cast their ballots.”

Trump’s legal team alleges that “Philadelphia and six Democratic-controlled counties in Pennsylvania let voters make corrections to mail-in ballots that were otherwise going to be disqualified for a technicality, like lacking a secrecy envelope or a signature.”

The deadline for Pennsylvania elections results to be certified is Nov. 23, according to Ballotpedia.

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The campaign hired the law firm of Porter Wright Morris & Arthur, which is based in Columbus, Ohio. Last Thursday, the firm withdrew from the case, according to The New York Times. The Times reported some attorneys at the firm questioned the wisdom of representing the president.

Every liberal media outlet reporting on this lawsuit portrays it as meritless and claims the president’s legal team has no evidence that fraud occurred in the state. According to Giuliani, and other attorneys representing the Trump campaign, including Jenna Ellis and Sidney Powell, the team has collected over 500 sworn affidavits from individuals claiming to have witnessed election fraud not only in Pennsylvania, but in other critical battleground states such as Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona and Nevada.

According to The Associated Press, during Tuesday’s hearing, U.S. District Court Judge Matthew Brann “told Giuliani that agreeing with him would disenfranchise the more than 6.8 million Pennsylvanians who voted.”

Brann asked Giuliani, “Can you tell me how this result could possibly be justified?”


Giuliani replied, “The scope of the remedy is because of the scope of the injury.”

Defense lawyers sought to get the case dismissed. They argued that the evidence was “at best, garden-variety irregularities” that do not warrant overturning former Vice President Joe Biden’s victory in the state, the AP reported.

They also contend the number of votes that may have been affected would be insufficient to overturn the results.

Giuliani, however, argued differently.

“The best description of this situation is widespread, nationwide voter fraud, of which this is a part. … This is not an isolated case, this is a case that is repeated in at least 10 other jurisdictions,” Giuliani said, according to the AP. “They stole the election.”

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He submitted “dozens of affidavits” from Republican observers who were not allowed to view the counting process, a complaint the Trump campaign has made repeatedly in all of the battleground states. They have no idea how many ballots may have been falsified during these periods.

The AP report said, “Brann did not rule Tuesday. He canceled a Thursday hearing to air the Trump campaign’s evidence and instead gave the parties three more days to file arguments in the case. Next Tuesday is the deadline for Pennsylvania’s counties to certify their election results.”

Democrats, their defense lawyers and the media constantly repeat the same argument – that Trump’s legal team lacks evidence to prove that fraud occurred.

On the contrary, Trump attorney Sidney Powell told Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo on Sunday that “We have so much evidence, I feel like it’s coming in through a fire hose.”

It’s true that election fraud is difficult, sometimes impossible, to prove definitively.

But sworn affidavits, especially in large numbers from unrelated parties that all make the same accusations, cannot be ignored. The affidavits are the evidence.

Lying in a sworn affidavit is perjury. Why would hundreds of individuals open themselves up to perjury charges that are punishable by fines and/or imprisonment if their allegations were false?

Courts need to hear testimony from these individuals before they dismiss the president’s case as many left-leaning judges are wont to do.

Still, Trump’s best chance to win the election may come from analysis of the electronic voting hardware and software used by many of the battleground states. The mounting circumstantial evidence supporting the case that votes were manipulated to favor Biden is becoming impossible to ignore.

A comprehensive review of the allegations against the manufacturers of this technology, which include Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic, is beyond the scope of this article, but there is no question that the 2020 presidential election has been plagued by irregularities.

Of course, Democrats will claim these are just right-wing conspiracy theories. But let us not forget that this is the party who brought us the bogus Russian collusion investigation and the impeachment hoax. Democrats have shown over the past four years that they will cross any line to destroy President Trump. Why would they stop short of election interference?

With the full knowledge of former President Obama, then-Vice President Joe Biden, and top-ranking officials in Obama’s FBI and CIA, Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee paid for the creation of a fake dossier to be used for the sole purpose of discrediting then-candidate Donald Trump, and once he was elected, to destroy his presidency.

Fully aware of this document’s origin, the FBI used it as the basis of an application to the FISA court to secure a warrant to surveil Carter Page, a Trump campaign adviser. This was a violation of federal law.

Trump opponents ran with this narrative until March 2019 when the Mueller report failed to prove their claims. Desperate to remove Trump from office, Democrats then conjured up the impeachment hoax.

The media continues to portray Giuliani as an aging buffoon who has been chasing wild conspiracy theories in a desperate bid to save Trump’s presidency. They are making a mistake by underestimating him, and his visit to Pennsylvania for the 2020 election fight is one the state will never forget.

Is Giuliani blindly chasing a Republican fantasy or is it possible that Democrats rigged this election?

In my opinion, the latter is not only possible, it’s likely.

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