
Georgia Officials Bristle as Trump Files New Election Lawsuit


Attorneys for Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger responded to President Donald Trump’s latest lawsuit, saying it seeks to “disenfranchise millions of Georgia voters at the thirteenth hour.”

“By virtue of these violations and as described in the Complaint, the Defendants certified an unconstitutional and unlawful Presidential election in Georgia,” lawyers from Georgia Attorney General Christopher Carr’s office said in the filing.

“There have been numerous suits filed since the November 3, 2020, general election, challenging most of the issues set forth in [Trump’s] motion,” it added.

“In all resolved suits, the claims have been flatly rejected.”

Trump filed the lawsuit on New Year’s Eve, just before The Washington Post released audio of a call between Trump and Raffensperger in which the president urged the secretary of state to “find” enough votes to reverse the election results.

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“Plaintiff does not seek a remedy disenfranchising any lawful votes — i.e., votes that are not illegal cast and thereafter validly counted,” the lawsuit read.

“Rather, he asks the Court to uphold the rule of law and the important separation of powers principles in the Georgia Constitution (executive v. legislature), which are fundamentally intended to protect all voters in the country, both those inside and outside Georgia, in elections for President and Vice President of the United States.”

The lawsuit added, “Defendants’ conduct has caused and will cause Plaintiff irreparable harm. Defendants have undermined the constitutionally authorized process for appointing Electors and will continue to do so for the 2020 General Election, unless the relief requested in the Complaint is granted.”

The attorneys filing on behalf of Kemp and Raffensperger said that Trump’s claims are “moot and otherwise frivolous.”


“The people, the Secretary, and the Governor all complied with and discharged their obligations under Georgia and federal law — as have the president properly certified presidential electors,” the filing read.

The legal brief was filed as Trump appeared in Georgia Monday night prior to the Senate runoff elections, Politico reported.

Although the rally was intended to support the Senate campaigns of David Perdue and Sen. Kelly Loeffler, Trump also attacked Kemp and Raffensperger.

“I’m going to be here in a year and a half,” he said. “I’m going to be campaigning against your governor and your crazy secretary of state.”

Trump and his supporters have filed about 60 lawsuits in various states, with the one in Georgia being the latest of his challenges.

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Despite numerous claims of voting irregularities, including affidavits alleging fraud sworn to by reported eyewitnesses, no court has yet ruled that widespread fraud materially affected the results of the presidential election.

U.S. District Court Judge Mark Cohen has set a hearing for Tuesday morning on the suit but criticized Trump’s lawyers for not filing the case sooner.

“Although Plaintiffs’ counsel could have requested … an immediate hearing over this past holiday weekend, and obtained a hearing before the duty district Judge, counsel did not do so,” he wrote.

Congress is set to assemble to count electoral votes on Wednesday with the intent to certify the election results.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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