
GA Election Auditor Claims Ballots Being Changed During Hand Recount


A report from a Republican monitoring the manual recount of the presidential election vote in Georgia said one of the counters was erroneously giving votes to Joe Biden that were cast for President Donald Trump.

Hale Soucie is a Republican National Committee monitor who’s watching the recount in Cobb County, according to He was described by The New York Times in a Monday article as being with a group that was comprised of “concerned citizens of a conservative bent.”

“Despite the careful and meticulous process he was watching,” The Times reported, Soucie “remained concerned that the count was corrupt.”

Here was the quote The Times pulled from him: “This is kind of just, you know, a show,” he said.

Soucie was somewhat more loquacious in a video recorded by Project Veritas.

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“So, the second person was supposed to be checking it, right. So, three times in three minutes she called out Biden,” Soucie said.

“The second auditor caught it and she said, ‘No. This is Trump.’ Now, that’s just while I’m standing there.”

“So, does the second checker catch it every time? But this lady, three times in three minutes, from 2:09 to 2:12, she got three wrong,” he continued.

This was at Table 17. When he went to Table 18, he found they were doing the same thing.


“So, I go and report it. They say, ‘Oh, we’ll talk to the [Cobb County] election officials.’ … They talk to her. And so I come back by again in a few minutes and she’s not doing it after I’ve talked to her,” Soucie said.

However, the vote-counters he reported were apparently none too happy about it, he said, since they would make a big show about how they were counting the ballots when he was around.

Soucie said that “no matter where I was standing in the room, her and a couple of other people were starting to, you know, they were looking, they were calling their boss over there, they were pointing at me.”

“I haven’t done anything wrong. All I’m doing is writing down and observing to tell her what happened,” he said.

He alleged that after he did a slow lap around the counting tables, he heard the woman say, “I’m paid by the taxpayers and this f—ing a–hole is going to come in here and watch me.”

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It’s unclear what day this happened — although it’s worth noting that at least on Friday, The Times said the recount “got off to a smooth and rather mundane start.”

Recounts seldom change many votes, as pretty much every veteran of the 2016 election will tell you. That’s when a recount funded by Green Party candidate Jill Stein in several key states won by Trump yielded only a handful of votes either way.

However, that election was unlike our current one in almost every way but the fact that Trump was on the ballot.

There’s also the troubling fact that ballots continue to be found in several Georgia counties.

In Floyd County in the northwest of the state, 2,600 ballots that were stored on a memory card but not uploaded were found. Those yielded a net gain of almost 800 votes for Trump, who’s behind in the state by fewer than 14,000 votes.

Floyd County Republican Party Chairman Luke Martin told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution that the find was “concerning” but “doesn’t appear to be a widespread issue.”

“I’m glad the audit revealed it, and it’s important that all votes are counted,” Martin said.

And speaking of that, another 2,755 votes were found in Fayette County.

This seemed to be similar to the issue in Floyd County, as the ballots were on a memory card that wasn’t uploaded, according to a tweet from David Shafer, chairman of the Georgia Republican Party.

Georgia GOP Rep. Doug Collins said incidents like this were “exactly why we requested a hand recount.”

“Without the recount, we never would have known about these ballots,” he tweeted. “Every Georgian — and every American — must have confidence that their vote is counted.”

Reports like Soucie’s — while uncorroborated and unconfirmed — are going to raise some questions about that last part, however.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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