
Franklin Graham Makes Pre-Election Trump Proclamation: 'Thank God for All That President Donald J. Trump Has Done'


The Rev. Franklin Graham gave President Donald Trump a ringing endorsement a week before the election in a viral Facebook post Monday about voting.

Graham, who has defended the president from the never-ending barrage of attacks from the establishment media throughout the last four years, offered an impassioned description of Trump’s legacy for the country in just one term in office.

“There was an article I read a few days ago that said President Trump had changed the world, even if he didn’t win the next election. I thought about that from a Christian perspective, and how true that headline really is,” Graham wrote.

“Already in his first term, President Trump has appointed close to 200 constitutionalist federal judges,” he wrote. “With Amy Coney Barrett, he will have appointed three conservative U.S. Supreme Court justices. These actions alone will have an impact on not only my generation, but the lives of my children and grandchildren.”

But the son of iconic evangelist Billy Graham also cited Trump’s defense of faith and religious liberty throughout his presidency.

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“President Trump has defended religious freedom here at home and around the world, and he boldly declared to the nation that the church is ‘essential’ during this pandemic,” he wrote.

Graham also praised Trump’s historic impact on peace in the Middle East.

“Here in the final hours before the 2020 election, he has brokered peace agreements between Israel and the UAE, Bahrain, and Sudan — and reports say that Saudi Arabia is in the pipeline to recognize Israel,” he wrote.

“This is unprecedented. Any other president would have probably received the Nobel Peace Prize for this — and he should have. President Trump was also the first president to keep his promise to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem.”

Graham argued that despite the coronavirus pandemic, many Americans are better of today than they were four years ago.

That assertion is backed up by a recent Gallup survey that found 56 percent of respondents said they believe they are better off now compared with where they were in 2016.

Graham cited low taxes, energy independence and record economic growth under Trump’s leadership for this.

He also touted Trump’s approach to foreign policy.


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“President Trump has stood up to NATO,” Graham said. “He has stood up to China. He has stood up to Russia. He stood up to Turkey and accomplished the release of American pastor Andrew Brunson.

“He has stood up to North Korea. And at the same time, has stood up to the political swamp in Washington that has falsely accused him of collusion and impeached him.”

Graham said, “I’m not telling people who to vote for, but I certainly am encouraging people to pray about who to vote for — and to pray for this president with so many in the media and the progressive, socialist-leaning left doing everything they can to stop him.”

He concluded, “I just thank God for all that President Donald J. Trump has done and continues to do. What do you think?”

An hour after posting his message praising Trump to Facebook, Graham had already received more than 13,000 comments and almost 30,000 shares.

His post came a day after 13 Orthodox Jewish rabbis thanked the president in a letter.

The rabbis shared gratitude for Trump’s strong support of their First Amendment religious freedoms in New York during the coronavirus pandemic, as local leaders have targeted them.

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