
Four Times-Deported Illegal Alien Wanted for Rape Released from Jail Before ICE Stepped In


President Joe Biden has welcomed tens of thousands of violent criminals to the United States — and that documented number almost certainly qualifies as a dramatic underestimation.

On Monday, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement announced that deportation officers from its Enforcement and Removal Operations field office in Detroit had returned 22-year-old illegal immigrant Cesar Antiono Rafael Lopez to his home country of Guatemala, where rape charges await him.

Incredibly, police in Wyoming, Michigan, had released Lopez from jail despite the fact that Border Patrol officers had already encountered, arrested and deported Lopez four times between 2019 and 2021, the ICE news release said.

This latest deportation occurred on Nov. 24.

ERO Detroit Field Office Director Robert Lynch declared that the U.S. does not welcome suspected rapists.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

What a relief.

“Running from rape charges in your home country will not grant you safe haven here in the United States,” Lynch said in a statement.

In fairness, he does not make policy. Biden and Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas do that — at least officially.

Of course, for the real authors of an open-borders policy so obviously calculated to weaken and eventually destroy the U.S., we must look to Biden’s globalist donors and handlers.


As for the sheer number of criminal migrants detained, ICE has receipts.

“In fiscal year 2022, ERO arrested 46,396 noncitizens with criminal histories. This group had 198,498 associated charges and convictions including 21,531 assault offenses, 8,164 sex and sexual assault offenses, 5,554 weapons offenses, 1,501 homicide-related offenses and 1,114 kidnapping offenses,” the Monday release said.

The total number of violent criminal charges and convictions identified in the announcement adds up to 37,864 criminal incidents. And that accounts only for those whom ERO arrested.

What about violent criminals detained by Border Patrol agents?

And what about those who, like Lopez, slipped past law enforcement into the American interior?

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

The Border Patrol first encountered Lopez on Sept. 29, 2019, and removed him four days later. Border Patrol agents encountered him again three times in a span of 10 days, from June 3 to 12, 2021. Each time, they sent him back to Guatemala.

On his fifth attempt to enter the U.S. illegally, Lopez succeeded. Eventually — and predictably — he found his way to a Michigan jail.

Of course, all U.S. citizens who care about their country’s future must wonder how many like Lopez have entered illegally. After all, if ERO alone arrested more than 46,000 criminals in fiscal 2022, then the number must be much higher.

No sovereign nation can sustain that kind of influx.

From the perspective of globalists — many of whom hide in gated communities while preaching diversity and inclusion elsewhere — the erosion of sovereignty and destabilization of societies are precisely the purposes of open borders.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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