
Follow the Money: Watch Where $1 Million Went After Biden-Linked Law Firm Received 10x That in Forgiven COVID Loans


Hunter Biden is the gift that keeps on giving — both to the Republicans and Democrats, it seems.

I scarcely need to tell you why the GOP loves it whenever the younger Biden is in the picture. Whether it’s the fact he secured business deals with global partners who were interested in little else but access to the power his father wielded; or the fact he secured those deals while in the throes of crippling addictions to drugs, alcohol, and sex; or the fact he saw fit to document the extent of his depravity on his laptop and then forgot to pick it up from a Delaware repair shop; or the fact that, despite statements that are tantamount to an admission he lied on a federal gun ownership firm, he hasn’t been charged with a thing; or the fact he’s continued his influence-peddling while his dad is in the White House by attempting to sell his hack finger-paintings for massive amounts of money; or …

Ahem. Point is, Hunter Biden is great if you’re a Republican and want an easy window into how corruption works in Biden-land. But why would would the Democrats think he’s the gift that keeps on giving?

Well, in that case, it’s slightly more complex. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t stink to high heaven, it just stinks in a more elaborate manner.

As you may recall, back in the bad old days of the pandemic — when anything that wasn’t DoorDash or a “fiery but mostly peaceful” Black Lives Matter protest was being shuttered — the government was giving out loans to keep shuttered businesses afloat.

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One such business, according to a Friday report by Miranda Divine of the New York Post, was law firm Boies Schiller Flexner. Its most prominent partner is David Boies, the go-to lawyer for establishment Democrats; he’s best remembered for being the losing attorney in the Supreme Court case Bush v. Gore.

Apparently, inside-the-Beltway lawsuits must have dried up during the pandemic period because the firm took the single biggest Paycheck Protection Program loan of 300 top law firms investigated by a nonprofit group — a whopping $10.14 million. In 2021, the loan was forgiven.

Note that the PPP was supposed to be helping Main Street small businesses survive — the local deli, the corner taqueria, the landscaping service now shuttered thanks to COVID restrictions. Divine noted that Boies Schiller Flexner “billed $480 million to clients in 2020 and 2021, and equity partners each earned $4.5 million.”

Not quite taqueria numbers, those.


But wait! It gets worse.

See, while the firm was taking $10 million in taxpayer money while billing clients nearly half a billion dollars in 2020 and 2021, “Boies partners and employees donated nearly $1 million in federal campaign cash during the 2020 and 2022 election cycles, including $213,966 to Biden’s presidential campaign,” Divine noted.

And why might they be so hopeful that Biden would make it into the White House? The answer will shock you. And when I say “shock you,” what I actually mean is “not surprise anyone with even a slight passing interest in American politics.”

“First son Hunter Biden became ‘of counsel’ at the Boise firm in 2010, earning $216,000 annually for a ‘no-show’ job that did not require him to keep regular office hours or attend meetings,” Divine noted.

Not only that, as Chuck Ross noted in a report for the Washington Free Beacon last year, the firm was also embroiled in the Burisma scandal; emails from Hunter’s toxic MacBook revealed the firm actively tried to circumvent disclosing to Congress that it had worked with the Ukrainian energy giant.

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“Heather King, a partner at Boies Schiller Flexner, detailed the lobbying strategy in emails to Biden, his business partners, and an executive for Burisma Holdings in 2014,” Ross reported.

“King wrote that she planned to provide legal and political services for Burisma ‘right up to the line’ at which the law firm would have to disclose the work under federal lobbying laws. King also wrote of plans to meet with State Department officials in order to advocate for Burisma, which was seeking to expand its operations in the West as its owner was the subject of an international bribery investigation.”

Ross also reported that “King took the lead in developing Boies Schiller Flexner’s strategy for Burisma, according to emails from Biden’s laptop obtained by the Free Beacon. King was a member of the firm’s Crisis Management and Government Response Team. Biden referred Burisma to the team. Other emails show that a recent Justice Department nominee, Hampton Dellinger, worked on the crisis management team at Boies Schiller Flexner.”

Scott Amey, general counsel for the Project on Government Oversight, told the Free Beacon it was another example of how law firms “play fast and loose” with federal lobbying laws.

“There is a lot of lobbying that takes place that’s never reported,” Amey said.

So, American taxpayers gave $10 million in loans to a firm that gave Hunter Biden a sinecure, despite the fact the business was billing an average of $240 million each of the two years where COVID was supposed to have taken a major bite out of revenue.

The firm then turned around and gave the their favored party $1 million out of their coffers — including $213,966 to Hunter’s dad.

See, the gift that keeps on giving gives to the Democrats, too!

At the very least, you could say this all means Boies Schiller Flexner only needed $9 million in taxpayer money. A better proposition would have them netting $0 of our money — and getting an investigation into just how this Biden-linked law firm ended up with the biggest loan among the 300 top law firms in America.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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