
First Israeli City Devolves Into 'Civil War' as Holy Land Ignites


Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu declared a state of emergency after brutal violence erupted in the city of Lod Tuesday night.

Two Israeli Arabs, a father and his teenage daughter, were killed in Lod by a rocket attack carried out by the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas, according to The Guardian,

Violent pro-Palestine agitators then reportedly came out of the woodwork across the city, which is situated some 15 miles south of Tel Aviv, and embarked on a rampage setting fires to synagogues, cars and businesses throughout the city.

Lod Mayor Yair Revivo referred to the violence as an outbreak of “civil war,” according to The Guardian, and called on the Israeli military to restore order.

The extremist insurgency in Lod is just the latest in Hamas’ ongoing efforts to spark a conflagration of violence in Israel, and follows more than 1,000 Palestinian rocket attacks on the embattled Jewish state. In response, Israel has mobilized some 5,000 reserve troops to augment its security and defense.

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“Hamas and Islamic Jihad have paid and will pay a dear price,” Netanyahu said of the ongoing conflict, according to The Wall Street Journal. “This battle will take time, but we will restore security to Israel.”

Unfortunately for Israel, the more time this battle takes, the more severely the Israeli people will suffer at the hands of violent Islamist terrorists who have vowed to erase Israel from the map.

Indeed, the struggle is already being used as a rallying cry for global jihad. The intellectual wing of the Muslim Brotherhood has called on Muslims everywhere to support Palestinian Jihad against Israel either by fighting themselves or by funding fighters, according to the Middle East Media Research Institute.

In another video shared by MEMRI on Twitter, a senior Hamas official reportedly made a statement encouraging Palestinians to buy knives and “cut off the heads of the Jews.”

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To say the situation is tragic and worrying would be a woeful understatement.

Israel is America’s ally and, in all probability, a nuclear power. If it is thrown into civil strife at the hands of radical Islamists, the entirety of the Middle East will likely follow, to say nothing of the associated foreign interventions that would come.

The failure of the Biden administration and the United Nations to issue an unequivocal statement of support for Israel’s defense against a violent insurgency that is seeking to engulf the nation in the chaos of holy war is evidence enough of the flaccidity of the so-called international community.


Israel is being torn from within and battered from without. Make no mistake: it is under attack, and it is being invaded by a globally recognized terrorist organization.

A tweet from the Israel Defense Force mapping hundreds of missile attack sirens during a 30 minute period demonstrates this fact well enough.

Israel has the right to exist. It has the right to defend itself, secure its borders, and vanquish the abominable jihadists currently seeking its overthrow.

That nations throughout the world refuse to acknowledge these basic facts, even in the face of bubbling civil war, demonstrates how thoroughly the globalist status quo is entrenched against the concept of a truly sovereign Israel.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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