
Fed-Up Judge Smacks Jack Smith's Prosecutors: 'Wasting the Court's Time'


It appears a district judge overseeing the classified documents case hanging over former President Donald Trump’s head is sick and tired of the three-ring circus being run by the clowns from special counsel Jack Smith’s office.

U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon admonished prosecutors on Thursday during a key hearing, and she did not mince words.

According to a report by The Palm Beach Post, Cannon lambasted Smith’s team and accused them of “wasting the court’s time” over a last-minute request that was brought up.

The Justice Department’s David Harbach had voiced concerns to Cannon that the lawyers of Trump’s co-defendants, Waltine Nauta and Carlos de Oliveira, should be removed due to potential conflicts of interest.

Harbach’s concern primarily stemmed from the fact that the lawyers’ past and present clients may be asked to testify against Nauta and de Oliveira.

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Smith’s lackey argued that the lawyers’ inherent loyalty to their clients conflicts with their ability to properly defend Nauta and de Oliveira.

(As if these buffoons care about Nauta and de Oliveira getting a fair shake …)

Look, this writer isn’t nearly well-versed enough in legalese to make any sort of determination on the validity of Harbach’s request.

There are, however, a few, significant things one can ascertain from this embarrassing chiding from Judge Cannon.


First, and very importantly, Cannon appears annoyed.

Apart from the terse verbiage, she also admonished the legal team for not presenting these concerns in earlier legal filings.

The scene painted by the Post made it clear that the prosecutors knew they were getting on Cannon’s last nerves.

The outlet noted that “Attorneys at the defense table traded glances as the judge became shorter and shorter with Harbach. He insisted that his position was ‘unremarkable’ and supported by other court decisions, though Cannon took a dim view of the three he offered her.”

Second, no matter which way you dissect it, this reflects poorly on Smith and his crusade against Trump.

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Because, assuming Harbach’s legal concern is legitimate — and that seems like a big assumption, based on Cannon’s reported response — that leaves one of two options: Smith’s team intentionally withheld this concern and waited until the last possible minute to raise it (more on this possibility shortly) or they’re just flat-out incompetent.

The second option is a clear and distinct possibility.

But the first option is an intriguing possibility as well, because it would be incredible fodder for the more conspiratorial-minded of former Trump’s supporters.

Because if you ask certain sects of the right what they think about the former president’s numerous legal entanglements, they will be sure to tell you that the charges being brought against Trump are weaponized, spurious and meant to harm his standing as America barrels toward the 2024 election season.

If you were to assume that Jack Smith’s legal team intentionally waited until the last minute to present this argument, that feeds into every bit of the claims that these charges are indeed weaponized, spurious and meant to harm Trump in the upcoming presidential primary and (if needed) general elections.

For now, however, it seems Trump will have to continue to fight off these allegations — all of which he has vehemently denied, by the way — while still trying to find time to campaign. (It is worth noting that Trump has lost virtually nothing in polling for the GOP primaries, despite the ongoing legal issues.)

Trump is still the prohibitive favorite to emerge from the GOP primary as the next presidential candidate, and it seems little will be able to change that.

That being said, whether by hook or crook, the left seems intent on changing that — or at the very least, ensuring Trump can’t get a fair trial.

At long last, the world is beginning to see the left for what it really is: Either extremely evil, extremely stupid or both.



This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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