
Ex-UN Ambassador Haley: 'Biden Administration Is Way Over Their Head' on China, Iran, Russia


The Biden administration is floundering as China forges ahead with its goal of pushing America to the side, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said Tuesday.

During an interview on “America’s Newsroom,” Haley said China is playing to win while the Biden administration is “playing nice,” according to Fox News.

“This is the concern I have overall: It’s if you look at the Biden administration, they are coming across very naive,” she said.

“When you are humiliated in a meeting with China; when Putin challenges you to a debate and you watch China and Iran make a fantastically huge deal that’s going to put terrorism around the world at an even larger level; when you have North Korea shooting ballistic missiles — I mean, the Biden administration is way over their head on this and they’re playing nice and they’re being naive and China is running all over them,” Haley continued.

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“I mean … you have to look at what — a big thing happened when China and Iran signed that agreement bill,” she said, referring to the new 25-year, $400 billion trade deal signed Saturday between China and Iran.

“What that did was basically give Iran a pass from having to deal with the U.S. or the Europeans at all,” she said.

“Secondly, massive influx of money that now goes to their proxies in Syria, Iraq, Yemen that they can continue to do things with allows China to get their oil, allows Iran and China to exchange military cooperation and worse than that, they establish a bank situation which goes back to what they’re all trying to do, which is to make sure that the U.S. dollar is no longer the world reserve.”

“So this is serious. This is — China has made a massive power play by aligning with Iran, aligning with Russia, aligning with North Korea. And they’re going to continue to do this,” she said.

The Biden administration cannot simply be a spectator, she said.

“And the U.S. can’t sit back and play nice. We’ve got to start moving. We’ve got to get with our allies. We’ve got to start getting aggressive and we’ve got to make sure that we don’t allow China to do exactly what they’re doing, which is becoming the world’s superpower,” she said.

Earlier in the interview, Haley spoke about a recent report from the World Health Organization that rejected any link between a Wuhan, China, lab and the origins of the coronavirus, and further insisted the virus suddenly struck humans after being transmitted by animals.

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“I think you can pretty much throw the credibility of the [WHO] out the window when they didn’t listen to Taiwan the last week in December saying this was human-to-human transmission,” Haley said.

“Instead, they went to China, got their marching orders and only then came back and allowed the rest of the world to suffer.”

Haley said anything the WHO reports should be labeled “Chinese propaganda” moving forward.


The former ambassador further said China must be held accountable for its actions.

“The idea that millions of people have suffered, and not one finger has pointed back to China from the world community — there’s a real problem with that,” Haley said. “If they can get away with killing millions of people, they can get away with a whole lot more.”

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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