
Embarrassed Hunter Biden Sues Rudy Giuliani Over 'Laptop from Hell'


When steadfast Christians find themselves with their backs against the wall, they can seek comfort and inspiration in Psalm 143, “Rescue me, Lord, from my foes, for I seek refuge in you.”

When disgraced sinners who refuse to repent find themselves in big trouble, instead of turning to God, they turn to the courts. It’s worth a shot. The courts, like all of our once-vaunted institutions, have been corrupted by the cancer of leftism. The pernicious critical race theory, after all, originated in law schools.

Hunter Biden is a prime example. The by-default first son of doddering President Joe Biden — who somehow ascended to the presidency in 2020 — has his back against the wall. He’s under legal scrutiny for a federal gun case, funny business with his taxes and a documented history of shady business dealings.

The publicly disgraced wannabe artist has opted to go on the offensive as of late by filing a number of lawsuits.

In the latest move, his legal team on Tuesday filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court in California. The suit alleges that former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, a prominent ally of former President Donald Trump, and Giuliani attorney Robert Costello are guilty of computer fraud and data hacking, according to The Associated Press.

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Here’s the kicker: The suit is focused on the infamous laptop Hunter left at a Delaware computer repair shop in April 2019, what New York Post columnist Miranda Devine memorably christened the “laptop from hell.”

According to the New York Post, an IRS whistleblower said the FBI had “verified” the authenticity of the abandoned laptop by November of 2019. Assuming this is true, there should be no denying the pictures of Hunter half-naked doing drugs with prostitutes are real. But Hunter Biden’s team is still trying.

The new lawsuit argues “the data claimed to have been found on the laptop was tampered with both before and after it landed in the hands of Mr. Giuliani and Mr. Costello – leaving it unrecognizable to its apparent owner Hunter,” as reported by the U.K. Independent.

Giuliani and Costello supposedly participated in the “total annihilation” of Hunter’s “digital privacy” and “data,” the lawsuit claims.


“For the past many months and even years, Defendants have dedicated an extraordinary amount of time and energy toward looking for, hacking into, tampering with, manipulating, copying, disseminating, and generally obsessing over data that they were given that was taken or stolen from Plaintiff’s devices or storage platforms, including what Defendants claim to have obtained from Plaintiff’s alleged ‘laptop’ computer,” the suit claims.

The lawsuit alleges that Hunter Biden’s data “was manipulated, altered and damaged before it was copied and sent to” Giuliani and Costello. The suit goes on to accuse the two men of hacking into the computer and then tampering with some of Hunter’s personal data. If the data was manipulated before it got to Giuliani, how would it be determined that Giuliani also manipulated it? More confusion.

According to NPR, the lawsuit claims Giuliani never had possession of Hunter’s laptop. Instead, he had Biden’s “external drive” that they called a “laptop.”

But it has been known from the start that Giuliani never had the laptop — that what he gave to the New York Post in the fall of 2020 was a copy of the laptop’s hard drive.

“The lawsuit notes that the complaint is not an admission by Biden that his laptop was obtained by a Delaware computer repair shop owner; simply that the owner of the store obtained data, some of which belonged to the president’s son,” according to NPR.

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So, the data in question is Hunter’s but the laptop — allegedly authenticated by the FBI — isn’t? Giuliani didn’t get the data off the laptop but an external drive, but the personal information did belong to Hunter and Guiliani and his fiendish crew then manipulated it? Is that the argument being made? That’s where playing semantics can get you in trouble. It doesn’t add up.

I’m having a hard time following this. Maybe the Russians had something to do with the external drive? That’s how a post on X, the social media platform formerly called Twitter, mocked the latest suit.

Or maybe Giuliani and crew deleted exculpatory evidence like Hunter Biden’s “leading bible study & doing volunteer work at orphanages,” as former Green Beret and author Jim Hanson wrote sarcastically in an X post.

The real problem for Hunter and his team here will be that in claiming that some of the information presented as coming from his laptop, they’re setting themselves up to proving what information on the hard drive is true.

Considering there’s been no credible evidence put forward yet that any of the information from the laptop has been falsified, that could well mean eventually proving in court that everything that’s been presented as being on the laptop is actually true.

And that will mean this move has backfired badly.

Maybe Biden and his team of lawyers are taking a calculated risk and the case really doesn’t need to make a whole lot of sense. The suit was filed in California, a snakepit of Trump-haters who will do anything to protect their own — no matter how vile.

And if the woke lawyers and judges don’t get Giuliani and crew, maybe the jury will. Remember, Californians keep electing people like Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi. And, yes, Hunter is asking for a jury trial, according to The Independent.

The suit may be even more cynical than that. The overall strategy could be to bankrupt Giuliani and those who oppose the left. In March, Hunter’s team sued
the owner of the computer repair shop where the laptop was abandoned.

Earlier this month, Hunter’s attorneys also filed a lawsuit against Garrett Ziegler — a former Trump White House aide — over the same laptop.

Hunter’s lawyers also have sued the IRS for allegedly releasing his private tax information illegally because two IRS whistleblowers came forward with damning information.

In the end, the message may be that poor little rich boy Hunter Biden doesn’t like to be publicly embarrassed — he reserves private time for embarrassing himself with repeated debaucheries. If you come after him, he’ll come after you, no matter how ludicrous the strategy.

Sloppy Joe himself said it best, “Nobody f**—s with a Biden.”

At this point in the game, blatant intimidation through sham use of the courts may be the only strategy the Bidens have left.

Rescue me, Lord, from the corrupt, for I seek refuge in you.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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