
Elon Musk Shows What People with 'Woke Mind Virus' Look Like to Him


Elon Musk said a fungal infection that essentially treats its insect victims as “zombies” reminds him of those whose brains have been contaminated by the “woke mind virus.”

HBO recently aired a controversial show that is set in the post-apocalyptic United States. In “The Last of Us,” humanity is on the ropes after a fungus called Cordyceps took over the brains of billions of people.

The show is based on the 2013 PlayStation video game of the same name.

In both the game and show, humans who contract the fungus become puppets and seek to spread it to others. The hosts go on living with no urge other than to contaminate and kill.

Although not as dramatic, Cordyceps is real in insects.

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The Twitter account Massimo shared a startling image of a fly that had been infected. Its eyes were missing from its head, and fungi were growing from its otherwise empty head.

The account commented, “A brilliantly gross image of a fly infected by the endoparasitoid fungus cordyceps.”


Massimo added, “The fungus keeps the host alive as long as possible and directs the animal to climb to a prominent exposed perch where spores are released.”

Musk, who owns Twitter, came across the tweet on Monday morning and compared the fly to far-left “woke” activists whom he has made it a point to take on with increasing frequency in recent years.

“That’s what people who have the woke mind virus look like to me,” the platform’s CEO wrote.

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The photo was originally taken in 2017 by Singapore-based macro photographer Faiz Bustamante. Newsweek covered the image at the time it was taken and connected it to “The Last of Us” — years before the game was made for a TV audience.

“No, that isn’t a leaked image from the upcoming sequel to ‘The Last of Us,’ the outlet reported of the image in a reference to the video game. “That’s a real close-up of what was left of a fly’s head after it was infected with the Cordyceps fungus.”

“Cordyceps is as creepy as it looks — maybe even more so,” Newsweek added. “Different species of Cordyceps prefer different hosts, but generally, they invade the bodies of insects, especially ants, causing them to act in a way some call zombie-like.”

The comparison between Cordyceps and “woke” ideologies pointed out by Musk naturally received a lot of feedback.

Musk is by no means a conservative. But he has taken to criticizing modern so-called “progressivism” in recent years — endearing him to people of all backgrounds who value basic rights, such as free speech.

It’s easy to see how Musk could compare “wokeness” to a zombie-like infection. The toxic ideology can transform a once-harmless person into an empty-headed vessel for the destruction of all things beautiful.

In that respect, “wokeness” shares a lot in common with Cordyceps.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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