
Dozens of House Members Will Challenge EC Vote on Jan. 6, Says Rep. Mo Brooks


House Republicans do not plan to sit back quietly when the time comes for Congress to certify the results of the Nov. 3 presidential election, according to Republican Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama.

Brooks spoke about his plans in an interview Monday on Fox News.

“The evidence is overwhelming and compelling that there has been serious voter fraud and election theft in this election in a number of different ways,” Brooks told “Fox & Friends.”

“There are dozens in the House of Representatives who have reached that conclusion, as I have,” Brooks added. “We’re going to sponsor and co-sponsor objections to the Electoral College vote returns of Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada and maybe more depending on where we collectively want to go.”
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Former Vice President Joe Biden has already won sufficient Electoral College votes to be the presumptive winner of the Nov. 3 vote.

However, the Trump campaign has insisted that there has been voter fraud in multiple states.

Despite numerous claims of voting irregularities, including affidavits alleging fraud sworn to by reported eyewitnesses, no court has yet ruled that widespread fraud materially affected the results of the presidential election.

The fate of the Republican rebellion against the Electoral College’s vote is less certain in the Senate.


“I just don’t think it makes a lot of sense to put everybody through this when you know what the ultimate outcome is going to be,” Senate Majority Whip John Thune of South Dakota told reporters lat week, National Review reported.

But Brooks wants senators to do their homework.

“The real issue is whether we going to have any senators who have done their homework, who have studied what has transpired to the point where they understand as we do that there has been massive voter fraud and election theft unlike anything we have seen in American history,” Brooks said.

Brooks said critics such as Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois should look deeper into the election.

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“It is sad to the extent that we’ve got Republicans who are unwilling to do their homework or unwilling to make tough decisions,” Brooks said. “And unfortunately, Adam Kinzinger falls in that ballpark.

“If he would do his homework, he would understand that the evidence is overwhelming, and he can either surrender to the people who support voter fraud and election theft or he can fight for his country on this particular issue.

“There is nothing more important to the republic than having an election system that is honest and accurate,” he said, citing a 2005 Commission on Federal Election Reform report from former President Jimmy Carter and former Reagan administration official James Baker that warned against fraudulent elections.

“They identified the very same problems that we faced in this election, they warned us that this was going to happen,” he said.

In a separate interview, Brooks said that his concerns run deeper than the outcome.

“That is a horribly shallow argument that is thoughtless,” Brooks told “The key, if you are a thinking individual, is to examine whether or not there has been voter fraud and election theft. And the evidence is overwhelming and compelling that voter fraud and election theft has plagued this 2020 election cycle unlike any time in American history.”

Brooks said he is acting from “love of country. We are a republic. And elections are the critical underpinning of any republic.”

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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