
Doctor Delivers Bad News to Biden After He Takes Terrible Tumble at Air Force Graduation


With a background in medicine, the military, politics and the internal workings of the White House, Dr. Ronny Jackson understands the demands of the United States presidency better than most politicians or any pundit with an opinion on it.

So when the current Texas congressman and former White House physician under both Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump reacted to news of President Joe Biden’s embarrassing tumble Thursday at the United States Air Force Academy’s graduation ceremony, it was well worth paying attention to his words.

And those words delivered news that Biden and his Democratic supporters didn’t want to hear heading into a 2024 re-election campaign, which will put Biden’s increasingly advanced age under the unforgiving spotlight of a national campaign.

“I don’t want to sound like a broken record, but I’m just going to say it again: This man’s not fit mentally or physically to be our president,” Jackson told Fox News host Sean Hannity on Friday night.

“It’s just a bad situation for us.

“Part of the job of the president of the United States is to inspire confidence and to project power. And he’s not doing that. He can’t do that. He’s too old to do that,” Jackson told Hannity.

“And I just, I think it’s a shame that his … lack of physical ability and his physical decline is now starting to highlight the cognitive decline that we’ve been watching for so long now.

“And it’s a package that just doesn’t sell well around the world. And it’s becoming a national security issue for us. We have to do something about it.”


And that “something” is removing Biden from office. Barring some unforeseen, incredibly drastic event between now and January 2025, it’s unlikely Democrats will ever marshal the political strength to remove Biden prematurely via the 25th Amendment. And that leaves the 2024 presidential election — no matter who the Republican standard-bearer is.

That’s a whole lot of bad news for a doctor to deliver in one soundbite. But there’s really not any way an honest American can dispute it.

As even casual followers of the news have to know, the Air Force Academy stumble was far from Biden’s first in the public eye.

The stairs from the ground to the door of Air Force One are a particular hazard — he’s stumbled and fallen multiple times in one trip up; he’s stumbled and fallen a singular time during one trip up; he’s stumbled and almost fallen going up them.

He’s fallen from a stationary bike in front of news cameras.

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None of this inspires confidence, of course. And for those who’ve had experience with aging loved ones or who are going through the difficulties of aging themselves, they should evoke alarm, as well as sympathy, regardless of politics.

In fact, the only time Biden projects powers is when he’s haranguing the country about the “ultra-MAGA” Americans who somehow represent a threat to the country the Founders established because they revere the Constitution the Founders wrote.

When it comes to the international stage, Biden is a walking example of weakness, a doddering, stiff-legged figure of fragility that epitomizes what the rivals and enemies of the United States see in the country — a hollow example of its former greatness.

As Jackson acknowledged when he said he hates to sound like a “broken record,” he’s made similar comments before, demanding Biden undergo a cognitive test to assure the American people he still has enough marbles in the bag to stay in the game.

Again, no honest observer — not even a liberal Democrat, if honesty can be found there — can dispute that Biden’s cognitive abilities are cause for concern.

His cognitive lapses — particularly calling out the name of Indiana Republic Rep. Jackie Walorski after he’d issued a written statement publicly lamenting Walorski’s death in a car accident — inspire even less confidence than his physical weakness.

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Jackson might be repeating himself, but it’s only because the man in the White House has given him no reason to say anything differently.

As a man with a degree in medicine, who spent a career in the U.S. Navy before retiring with the rank of rear admiral, who has treated two presidents from two different political parties during their tenures in the White House, and now himself serves as a Republican member of the House of Representatives, Jackson has a view of leadership that’s different from almost any other American’s.

He also has a different view of the standard required for service in the Oval Office.

When Jackson says Biden doesn’t meet those standards, and when the overwhelming evidence available to the naked eye does nothing but indicate more and more that Jackson is right, even Democrats should be listening.

The country can’t afford not to.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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