
Democracy Institute Head Lists for Mark Levin the Many Issues That Cast Biden's 'Win' Into Doubt


Patrick Basham, director of the Democracy Institute, told Fox News host Mark Levin the “numbers just don’t add up” regarding Democratic Joe Biden’s apparent victory over President Donald Trump in November’s election.

“If you look at the results, you see how Donald Trump improved his national performance over 2016 by almost 20 percent. No incumbent has ever lost a re-election bid if he’s increased his votes,” Basham said on Sunday’s “Life, Liberty and Levin.”

“We know from the vote itself, the alleged result, that something very strange has happened because the numbers just don’t add up,” he added.

Basham noted that Trump did better with minorities than any Republican candidate since 1960.

The president also won 95 percent of the GOP vote, as well as performed well among women, Catholics, and white working-class males.

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The pollster explained that by a dozen or so metrics, which have successfully predicted the winner of the presidential election in the past, Trump led in them all such as new party registrations, voter enthusiasm and donations.

“If we are to accept that Biden won against the trend of all these non-polling metrics, it not only means that one of these metrics was inaccurate for the first time ever, it means that each one of these metrics was wrong for the first time and at the same time as all of the others,” Basham said.

“It’s not statistically impossible, but it’s statistically implausible.”

Another puzzling aspect of the 2020 election results was the historically low absentee ballot rejection rate.

“In these key swing states, at least in the key swing counties, we’re seeing rejection rates of less than one percent, often really close to zero,” Basham said.

“Now given the increase in absentee balloting, and lack of experience that most of the new voters and those doing the counting would have with those ballots, it is implausible, to put it politely, that that figure would be as low as it was,” he explained.

In a piece for The American Spectator, which Levin praised at the outset of the interview, Basham went into more detail about the 2020 anomalies.

He highlighted how odd it was that Trump carried Ohio handily, but other neighboring Rust Belt states of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin went for Biden. They usually swing together.

Trump, in fact, won them all in 2016, while Barack Obama took all four in 2012.


“Current tallies show that, outside of a few cities, the Rust Belt swung in Trump’s direction. Yet, Biden leads in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin because of an apparent avalanche of black votes in Detroit, Philadelphia and Milwaukee,” Basham wrote.

“Biden’s ‘winning’ margin was derived almost entirely from such voters in these cities, as coincidentally his black vote spiked only in exactly the locations necessary to secure victory,” the writer continued. “He did not receive comparable levels of support among comparable demographic groups in comparable states, which is highly unusual for the presidential victor.”

While Biden’s 81 million vote win dwarfs Obama’s 66.8 million in 2008 (and 62.6 million in 2012), he won only 524 counties, as opposed to the 873 his former boss carried in ’08.

Obama’s ’08 tally was the highest of any presidential candidate in U.S. history until this year.

Yet despite his massive win, Biden had no coattails, as the Republicans picked up double-digit seats in the House of Representatives and the GOP is in a good position to hold the Senate.

Save 1992 when independent Ross Perot was in the three-candidate mix, no incumbent president has ever lost while his party gained seats in the House.

Basham further chronicled that the major shift in these swing cities tallies all came the same way: after vote counting stopped for a period of time late election night and observers went home having been told ballot processing would continue in the morning.

Trump was comfortably ahead in each case, but not for long.

“Statistically abnormal vote counts were the new normal when counting resumed. They were unusually large in size (hundreds of thousands) and had an unusually high (90 percent and above) Biden-to-Trump ratio,” Basham wrote.

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For all these reasons and more, he argued Trump is right to contest the results and to push to expose potential fraud.

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