
Dem Support for Amy Coney Barrett's Confirmation to the Supreme Court Grows by Double Digits: Poll


A new poll has found that support for the confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett has risen by double digits among registered Democratic voters.

As Democrats in Washington wage a campaign of character assassination against the devout Catholic and mother of seven, the messaging is not landing with many in their own party.

A Morning Consult/Politico poll released on Wednesday found that among Democrats, support for Barrett’s nomination is at 24 percent.

While that might not seem like a lot of enthusiasm, it’s important to note the Supreme Court has now become one of the single biggest issues the Democratic Party is using in its campaign against President Donald Trump.

The fact that nearly a quarter of Democrats surveyed support Barrett replacing late associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the high court is very telling.

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The 24 percent support for Barrett’s nomination is an increase of 10 points among Democrats from Sept. 26, when only 14 percent of Democratic respondents supported the nominee.

Of course, Democrats have gone negative on Barrett, and threats to violate norms with the judiciary are growing louder with chatter about packing the Supreme Court with more justices.


Democrats have challenged Barrett’s faith, her family, her adoptions of children from earthquake-ravaged Haiti and much more.

High-profile Senate Democrats such as Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York and Sen. Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut have gone as far as to launch verbal attacks against Barrett while refusing to meet with her ahead of nomination proceedings.

“I believe first the whole process has been illegitimate,” Schumer said last week, according to Fox News.

“And second, because she’s already stated that she is for overturning the ACA. I will not meet with her,” the Democrat added.

Blumenthal referred to Barrett’s nomination and coming confirmation as an “illegitimate sham process” in a Sept. 26 tweet.

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Democrats are also using every possible tool in their arsenal to delay proceedings for Barrett, but Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has said in no uncertain terms that the confirmation process will proceed unabated.

Over the past week, the strategy has backfired for Democrats and the establishment media, which is essentially the party’s propaganda wing.

“Democrats are losing the Supreme Court messaging war, new polling indicates, with support for Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation trending in the GOP’s direction,” Morning Consult noted.

The poll surveyed roughly 2,000 registered voters from Oct. 2-4 and found that support for Barrett’s conformation is also up with Republicans and independents.

Of those surveyed on Sept. 26, 71 percent of Republicans supported confirming Barrett.

That number has increased to 77 percent.

With independents, support has gone up by 8 points, from 28 percent to 36 percent.

With all registered voters polled, 46 percent said Barrett should be confirmed as soon as possible by the Senate “regardless of who wins next month’s election,” according to the poll.

That number is up 9 points from Sept. 26, when 37 percent of all voters supported her nomination.

Independents polled were more likely to have no opinion one way or the other on Barrett’s confirmation.

On the latest poll, 33 percent of independents had no opinion on the matter, while 31 percent opposed the confirmation.

A plurality of voters not affiliated with either major political party support confirming Barrett, at 36 percent.

Shockingly, only 52 percent of Democrats oppose the confirmation of Barrett.

While Barrett’s confirmation only enjoys the support of 46 percent of all voters polled, the buried lede here is the apathy.

Among all voters, 23 percent of those surveyed simply don’t care one way or the other, meaning the confirmation is only outright opposed by 31 percent of registered voters, according to Morning Consult.

Democrats have gone negative by attacking a working mother on an issue that voters don’t share their passion for.

With polls about the presidential race all over the place, finding out that 48 percent of registered Democratic voters either support the confirmation or don’t care is a pretty good indication that the party is struggling to find a solid footing when attempting to connect with other voters, or to fire up its base on a major issue.

The Morning Consult/Politico poll had a margin of error of +/- 2 percentage points.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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