
Dem Candidate Terry McAuliffe Snaps After Local Sheriff Exposes His Ties to Cop-Hating Organization


It was difficult to imagine the gubernatorial situation in the commonwealth of Virginia could get any worse than it was already.

Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam has served out his nearly four years in office after weathering a series of scandals which would have induced any man with a sense of shame to resign. In January of 2019, he started a firestorm when he made comments in support of what could charitably be euphemized as fourth-trimester abortion. Shortly thereafter, photos emerged of his medical school yearbook which included a photo of a man in blackface and a man dressed in a Klan outfit.

Northam would eventually deny he was the one in the photo because (and I still can’t believe the chutzpah behind this one) he’d appeared in blackface another time, that time as Michael Jackson, so apparently he’d remember if he’d done it before. Figure that one out. The only reason Northam wasn’t forced out, most likely, is because his lieutenant governor was credibly accused of sexual assault and the third-in-line to the governor’s mansion, unbelievably, had also appeared in blackface.

Northam had also been a prominent gun-grabber and was a notable COVID religion-scold, telling Virginians in December of 2020, “You don’t have to sit in the church pew for God to hear your prayers.” Virginia governors are limited to one consecutive term and their elections take place in off years, so anything, one thought, would be better than the status quo.

And then former Virginia Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe became the frontrunner.

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To be fair, McAuliffe has never worn blackface or called for infanticide, at least as far as we know of. However, the Clinton confidant and former Democratic National Committee chair from 2001 to 2005 — in addition to his term as governor from 2014 to 2018  — is pretty much everything a sane and healthy American loathes about politics and the establishment.

If you want to know what McAuliffe is all about, take this quote from a 1999 New York Times piece on him, back when he was both a politically connected businessman and then-President Bill Clinton’s chief fundraiser: ”I’ve met all of my business contacts through politics. It’s all interrelated,” he said. He added that when he meets a new business contact, ”then I raise money from them.”

Wonderful. In the intervening years since we last saw McAuliffe, he’s also gotten a bit woke. Case in point: his endorsement from progressive group New Virginia Majority back in July, something which led to a tense exchange with a sheriff who’s supporting his opponent.


According to Fox News, the tense exchange came after Montgomery County Sheriff Hank Partin asked him at a Virginia Sheriffs’ Association event about the Democratic candidate’s endorsement from the group, which is a “large defund the police organization who want to abolish prisons and [Immigration and Customs Enforcement].”

Partin also noted McAuliffe said he was “proud to accept” their endorsement.”

“Now, first of all, sheriff, I’m proud to accept any endorsements. I get hundreds and hundreds and hundreds,” McAuliffe replied. “Groups that endorse me, I don’t know what they’re going to do.”

Boy, he’s going to have some uncomfortable moments when NAMBLA endorses him.

“Have I ever supported defund the police? Are you out of your mind?” McAuliffe continued.

“I’ve invested in law enforcement — I just went through 25 minutes of telling you what I do for the police. Not defunded, I funded them!”

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Partin then asked if McAuliffe would pledge to “never support” the defund the police movement.

“I won’t even dignify that with an answer,” an angry McAuliffe said. “If my track record of four years as governor is not enough for you to understand how I feel on law enforcement, I will not dignify that with an answer.”

“Unbelievable,” Partin said. “I don’t believe an answer to either one of those questions.”

“I don’t care what you believe,” McAuliffe shot back. “I’ve got a track record. And I’m proud of that track record.”

Try to hold him accountable and he works himself into a fiery rage.

It’s worth noting that Partin has appeared in an ad for McAuliffe’s general election opponent, Glenn Youngkin. However, it’s also worth noting that McAuliffe’s record is one of going where the political mood of the moment takes him. The political climate when he ran for governor in 2013 — or even when he stopped being governor in January of 2018 — was a significantly different moment than 2021, where “defund the police” isn’t just a slogan chanted by a few random lefties but considered a valid approach to law enforcement.

And, just so we’re clear, the New Virginia Majority makes it pretty upfront the group is all about defunding the police. It also believes that “[i]ncarceration is a human rights violation” and once tweeted an article with this as a pull-quote: “Policing has never been an effective response to violence because the police are agents of white supremacy”

And McAuliffe’s campaign made the endorsement Twitter official.

So what’s that about your track record, Mr. McAuliffe?

Yes, Virginia, there is a worse gubernatorial option than Ralph Northam. Terry McAuliffe 2021 suffuses all the establishment Democrat vices we loathed when he was last governor — combining business with politics (and, indeed, failing to see the difference between the two), a preternaturally close relationship with the Clintons, protean positions on any and all public policy issues — with worst parts of the new Democrats who will cautiously embrace far-left groups like these.

In short, it won’t be long before Cap’n Blackface looks positively wonderful. I’m not even sure how that’s possible, but good work.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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