
De Blasio's NYC: Woman Left in Coma After Being Ambushed, Brutally Beaten by Stranger


The burgeoning crime in New York City is frightening enough in theory, but it is downright sickening to watch actual footage of the descent into lawlessness happening on the streets of a once-great metropolis.

Video from a surveillance camera caught a brutal attack in Brooklyn that was so severe it left a 46-year-old woman in a medically induced coma.

It happened around 6 a.m. Tuesday on the streets of the borough’s Williamsburg neighborhood, according to WABC-TV.

The victim was on her way to work when the suspect ambushed her from behind, lifted her off her feet and slammed her onto the pavement, police said.

As she lay helpless on the sidewalk, the woman’s attacker straddled her and savagely delivered blow after blow to her head and body.

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According to police, the man tried to remove her pants in a possible sexual assault attempt but then fled on foot.

The suspect is still at large. Police are looking for the bearded, light-skinned man seen in the video wearing a bright yellow hoodie, dark pants and red sneakers.

Meanwhile, the victim remains comatose at Brooklyn Hospital to recover from her traumatic injuries.


“It’s really horrible, horrible,” an elderly woman whose family has lived in the neighborhood near where the attack occurred for three generations told the New York Daily News. “You don’t wake up in the morning thinking that someone’s going to hurt you.”

“She woke up yesterday morning, probably going to work … and this guy grabs her,” she said.

The elderly woman’s sister also commented on the uptick in violence in the city.

“The fact of the matter is that they’re going, ‘Well, the budget cuts here, the budget cuts there,'” she said. “But where does it stop? What about the victims? It’s horrible.”

It’s true that Mayor Bill de Blasio has allowed his city to descend into what looks like a dystopian comic book nightmare, except that it’s the real world where the New York Police Department is defunded and criminals are allowed to prowl the streets and attack almost at will.

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Gone is the hard-won peace on city streets as the Democratic mayor undoes the progress against crime that his GOP predecessors, Michael Bloomberg and Rudy Giuliani, fought for in decades past.

“It is being taken over by off the cliff, left-wing, ridiculous ideas on law enforcement that were prevalent in the city before I became mayor that led to a couple of years of 2,000-plus murders,” Giuliani, who is now President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, told Fox News when asked about what’s happening to the city where he served as a two-term mayor.

“And I got it down, and Bloomberg, together, the two of us together got it down to less than 300,” he said about Bloomberg, who was mayor from 2002 to 2013.

De Blasio — whose pathetic bid to be the Democrats’ 2020 presidential nominee ended in September 2019, four months after it started — has encouraged riots, joined protesters in vandalism and ushered in a crime wave with such brilliant policies as dismantling the NYPD anti-crime unit to appease the radical Black Lives Matter movement.

The streets of New York are demonstrably more dangerous because of him, and attacks like this brutal assault will continue to happen more frequently if de Blasio and his minions get their wish of a city largely free of police.

It’s bad enough that victims are left without firearms for protection in cases like this.

Politicians like de Blasio who are against both the Second Amendment and police are handing their constituents over to the criminal element, essentially shackling innocent victims with their awful policies while freeing deviants to have their way with the city.

There’s no reason that New York should descend into a return to 1980s crime and filth except that de Blasio wants it that way and is all too happy to hand over the reins to the criminal element.

There can be no other explanation when faced with these hellish crimes that cry out for justice while the mayor encourages the policies that allow them.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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