
Dan Crenshaw Nails Twitter for Hypocrisy of Letting Kyrsten Sinema Bathroom Video Stand


Texas Republican Rep. Dan Crenshaw called out Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey on Tuesday over a recent video of Arizona Democratic Sen. Krysten Sinema being harassed in a bathroom, asking whether she is “liberal enough” for the social media giant to enforce its rule against bullying.

Crenshaw’s tweet included a screen shot of Twitter’s bullying rule.

“We prohibit behavior that encourages others to harass or target specific individuals or groups with abusive behavior,” the rule states.

“This includes, but is not limited to; calls to target people with abuse or harassment online and behavior that urges offline action such as physical harassment.”

“Hey [Jack] just wondering if you’re going to enforce this bullying rule? Or does it not count when the victim isn’t liberal enough?” Crenshaw asked.

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Crenshaw is one of a growing number of Republicans who have publicly spoken out against the bathroom video incident.

Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz blasted CNN commentator Ana Navarro-Cardenas for seemingly justifying the harassment in a Tuesday tweet.


“Ridiculous. [CNN] “journalist” rationalizing & justifying harassing Sinema in the women’s bathroom,” Cruz tweeted. “Unacceptable, regardless of your politics.”

Sinema responded Monday to the activist who recorded the video while following the senator into a restroom at Arizona State University on Sunday night, calling the action “unacceptable” and “unlawful.”

“Yesterday’s behavior was not legitimate protest,” Sinema said in a statement.

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“It is unacceptable for activist organizations to instruct their members to jeopardize themselves by engaging in unlawful activities such as gaining entry to closed university buildings, disrupting learning environments, and filming students in a restroom,” the senator added.

Sinema said the actions were “wholly inappropriate.”

“In the 19 years I have been teaching at ASU, I have been committed to creating a safe and intellectually challenging environment for my students. Yesterday, that environment was breached. My students were unfairly and unlawfully victimized,” she said.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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