
Most Damaging Find on Biden Laptop Could Be the Reported Letter to Joe the Mainstream Media Is Ignoring


It’s difficult to see how Hunter Biden’s laptop, at this point, could make Hunter Biden look any worse.

It shows him to be an enabled Washington rich kid, a polydrug addict, a frequent client of sex workers (with whom he recorded trysts) and he peddled his father’s influence in places like Ukraine, China, Central and South America and other locales, all despite no discernible talent of his own (besides grifting).

While the laptop certainly puts that into sharper relief, it doesn’t actually change anyone’s opinion of President Joe Biden’s wayward son. His image is probably beyond repair.

Instead, the damage is going to be on Joe Biden — a man whose media-cultivated, squeaky-clean, family-guy image is being put to the test by some of the finds on his son’s computer.

One of the most damaging is a letter Hunter Biden wrote to Joe. It’s unknown whether it was actually sent, but it still changes how the Biden family dynamic looks.

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(Here at The Western Journal, we’ve been on top of the laptop story since the very beginning, back when the establishment media was ignoring it and Big Tech was censoring it. We’ll keep looking at the fallout from the toxic MacBook. You can help us bring America the truth by subscribing.)

The letter was initially reported by author and New York Post columnist Miranda Devine in her book “Laptop From Hell,” which documented the saga of Joe Biden’s wayward son’s wayward computer.

Don’t look for coverage of it in the mainstream media, however. The same outlets that would be giving breathless, 24/7 coverage to any kind of message like this if it had been written by presidential offspring with “Trump” as a last name have no interest when it’s “Biden.”

However, the full letter was published by the conservative website The National Pulse last week — and in it, an angry Hunter tells his father he had “finally crossed the line” in how he was treating his family.


It was found in the laptop’s notes app, The National Pulse reported.

“Dad you have to listen – then you can do whatever you want,” the reported letter, written Jan. 14, 2017, read.

“I’ll make it the last time and you can ignore it or i hope at least acknowledge that the three people on earth who have lived their lives in service to you who love you more than the next 30 combined have suddenly all concluded for their own reasons that you have finally crossed the line – that we won’t be publicly and privately humiliated while those that publicly and privately humiliate us our [sic] held to the world as the loves of your life the life of your…”

The letter continues in that vein — Hunter accusing Joe of being the head of Biden, Inc., and using (and ordering around) his family to burnish his brand.

“Love is an action dad not an emotion,” Hunter continued.

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“Think how your brother and sister express their love for you. They do anything you tell them to do and have their whole lives. You act as if I have no right to tell you about what you did or didn’t have or haven’t done with your siblings. Well that’s just absurd.”

Hunter also talks about relatives who helped raise him and his now-deceased brother, Beau, after Biden’s first wife Neilia — Hunter’s mother — was killed in a car crash in December 1972, shortly after Biden’s first election to the Senate.

“Mom mom and Aunt Val saved MY life dad they saved Beaus life Dad you saved our lives — i understand the lie serves your purpose Dad but to make two boys who had the three greatest mothers god could conceive taken from them that they had to buy into it or they would be betraying you is pretty awful – because that is not choice we would ever even let sit in our minds a moment,” the draft letter reads.

Much of the letter likely requires greater context to understand the particular wrath behind it.

The main context can be gleaned by the fact it was written two days after Biden received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from former President Barack Obama and from the final sentence of the draft, which Hunter couldn’t bring himself to complete.

“So dad on arguably the most rewarding day in your career you [fail] to even say and I want publicly thank the heart and soul of this family the….” it read.

Biden’s remarks are below:

Now, granted, there are caveats here.

The first is that the award of the Presidential Medal of Honor to Biden was supposed to be a surprise, and it certainly looks that way in the video.

Mind you, it may have been a well-orchestrated ruse to pretend it was a surprise for the cameras, but I don’t think Joe Biden has the wherewithal to carry that out. So, perhaps his remarks weren’t ungracious in failing to “publicly thank” family members who had helped him, as Hunter apparently wanted, but merely unrehearsed.

The second is that Hunter’s draft doesn’t sound like a man in compos mentis — and given that this is Hunter Biden, insobriety certainly rears its head as a possible reason for it. (Hunter, it’s worth noting, told The New Yorker for a 2019 interview he considered getting a master’s in creative writing from Syracuse University. He did not, and at least from this draft email, I can consider that money well saved.)

However, if you want to hear mainstream media outlets giving you the hard sell about how Joe Biden is a Really Good Guy, right after they trot out the “devout Catholic” label they’ll start talking about his family history.

The Los Angeles Times: “At the DNC, Joe Biden’s story is his family’s story.” Wilmington, Delaware, PBS affiliate WHYY-TV ran a documentary: “Joe Biden, family man.” And then there are, yes, the tragic deaths that have hit his family: “Inside Vice President Joe Biden s Family Tragedies,” was the title of a People magazine piece from 2015.

The unsent letter could be the unhinged rant of a man who ingested too many banned chemicals and was having a bad week. However, it could be the key to something a lot larger.

From what we know from the laptop already, Joe Biden almost certainly had a greater deal of knowledge about his son’s business dealings than the president has publicly acknowledged — and that Hunter Biden wasn’t peddling services, he was peddling his last name.

We have the cryptic email about how money from one of Hunter’s prospective Chinese deals would be held for “the big guy” — and we have one of Hunter’s former business partners identifying “the big guy” as Joe. Now, to hear Hunter tell it, Biden treated his family like a political machine.

He wouldn’t be the first and he certainly wouldn’t be the last, but the mainstream media has been either credulous or crooked in going along with Biden’s cultivated image as a clean-hands politician and dedicated family man.

Perhaps an unsent letter will finally put a stop to that. If only Hunter Biden had the courage to tell his father to do the right thing.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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