
Cuomo to Be Stripped of Pandemic Powers as Multiple Scandals Haunt Him


New York’s Democratic majority state Assembly and state Senate on Tuesday have reportedly agreed in principal on a deal that would strip Gov. Andrew Cuomo of emergency powers in relation to the coronavirus pandemic.

The New York Post reported that a vote on the bill could be held as early as Friday. If passed by both chambers, the former establishment media darling who has turned into a walking scandal would be essentially powerless with regard to extending or ordering lockdowns and other mandates.

Those powers were set to expire on April 30, according to the Post. If legislators pass the bill, some of those powers would end after 30 days. In the future, Cuomo’s ability to unilaterally run the state would be stripped. The three-term chief executive of the Empire State would need to go to the state legislature for any additional business-crushing, nursing home-ravaging orders.

High-profile lawmakers have made it clear the bill stripping Cuomo’s emergency powers has their support. It’s a stunning development, considering that Cuomo, after all, was not all that long ago being hailed as an example of moral and intelligent leadership.

“I think everyone understands where we were back in March and where we are now. We certainly see the need for a quick response but also want to move toward a system of increased oversight, and review,” New York Sen. Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins said in a joint statement with Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie.

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“The public deserves to have checks and balances. Our proposal would create a system with increased input while at the same time ensuring New Yorkers continue to be protected.”

Heastie agreed.

“A year into the pandemic, and as New Yorkers receive the vaccine, the temporary emergency powers have served their purpose – it is time for them to be repealed,” he said in the statement.

“These temporary emergency powers were granted as New York was devastated by a virus we knew nothing about. Now it is time for our government to return to regular order.”


Neither chamber leader commented on the Chrysler Building-sized elephant in the room: Cuomo’s nursing home death scandal and the now-three women who have now accused him of sexual harassment.

However, one lawmaker, Democratic Assemblyman Ron Kim of Queens, pulled no punches when commenting on the bill to strip Cuomo’s powers.

“Without a doubt, we must do more to hold the governor accountable for his abuse of power and predatory behaviors toward women, staff, and journalists,” Kim said, according to the Post.

Kim is among those who have gone on record to accuse the governor of using intimidation tactics. Kim said last month that Cuomo threatened over the phone to “destroy” him while in an apparent panic over the nursing home scandal.

How quickly the mighty can fall.

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It’s time for some hot takes that didn’t age well. Let’s take a trip down memory lane.

For Republican Marc Molinaro, the Dutchess County executive who ran against Cuomo in 2018, the bill doesn’t go far enough.

“This is a hollow political gesture. It is not a substitute for real action,” he said, according to the Post. “We need a restoration of the balance of power, restoration of local authority and a return to democracy.”

But there’s no question that the bill is a sign that Cuomo’s power has crumbled.

Cuomo was the king of New York a year ago and the leftist establishment media anointed him as a potential presidential contender. He quickly wrote a book about governing during a pandemic and was also given an Emmy Award.

Now, even the liberal HuffPost is calling Cuomo out as yet another woman claims the Democrat sexually harassed her. It’s all falling apart for Cuomo. The facade is unraveling, and now the man has hired Woody Allen’s attorney as the scandal deepens.

Cuomo, the adored rock-star governor with a TV award, has crashed and it doesn’t look like he’s going to get back up. The uniquely un-American and tyrannical reign of power is coming to an end, and it couldn’t have come soon enough.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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