
Court Allows 'Non-Binary' Repeat Sex Offender to Walk Free After He's Convicted for Sick Abuse of 15-Year-Old Boy


A convicted child molester in Scotland who identifies as “non-binary” has escaped jail time after his attorney argued that his client would be “particularly vulnerable” in prison.

For reference, this is because even violent criminals in jail have an implicit code of honor that disdains child molesters.

Oliver James Bond, a 32-year-old man from the town of Cardenden, has avoided jail despite being convicted by a jury of sexually assaulting a teenage boy over a period of six years, The Scottish Sun reported Thursday.

Bond started molesting the child in 2010, when the boy was 15, the report said.

“He carried out a serious sex attack on the boy while he was asleep and incapable of giving consent,” the Sun reported.

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The predator then continued to sexually assault the child at least two more times between 2013 and 2016, usually when the boy was asleep.

Last week, a Scottish jury convicted Bond of all three attacks after deliberating for one hour.

As is typical of child molesters, the suspect has a history of predatory aggression.

In 2019, Bond — who then used the name “Lucas Cole” — was found guilty of sexually assaulting a man claiming to be a woman but was sentenced to only 200 hours of community service and no jail time.

He then changed his name to Oliver James Bond and committed more sexual assaults on a 15-year-old boy.

Bond’s defense attorney, David Holmes, had the gall to insist that his child-molesting client should not be jailed because he would be “particularly vulnerable” in prison.

Shockingly, the presiding judge — Sheriff David Hall — appeared to swallow this crime-enabling argument. He placed Bond on the Sex Offenders Register for five years and ordered him to social work supervision for 18 months, the report said.

The convicted sex offender was also placed on a curfew for six months and ordered to carry out 250 hours of community service in lieu of prison time.

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“With some hesitation, I am going to allow you to remain at liberty,” Hall said at trial, according to the Scottish Sun. “You were convicted by the jury of all three charges. You just don’t get the seriousness of this matter.”

Russell Findlay, a conservative member of the Scottish Parliament, blamed the judge’s harebrained decision on the warped push by liberals to prioritize the well-being of criminals over public safety.

“With the SNP’s [Scottish National Party] systemic drive to empty Scotland’s prisons in top gear, it’s becoming less clear what kind of crime needs to be committed that will result in a jail sentence,” he told the Sun.


“What is clear is that this depraved individual presents a risk to adults and children.”

Findlay is also demanding changes to Scottish law to prevent sex offenders from changing their names to hide their past criminal history.

“This sordid case yet again highlights the need to close the dangerous loophole allowing sex predators and other serious criminals to hide their offending history by legally changing their names,” he said.

As they do in the United States, left-wingers in Scotland are pushing for the mass release of dangerous criminals while undermining public safety.

Whether here or in Europe, why don’t liberals care about protecting children and the rest of society from dangerous criminals?

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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