
Community Helps Pay Vet Bills for Dog Reportedly Tossed from Interstate Overpass


July 22 was just another day for many people — but for a Portland, Oregon, woman and her family, it was horrifying.

A woman was driving along the I-5 when she saw something fall from an overpass. Stopping to investigate, she discovered that the object was a dog.

The dog was clearly injured, unable to move its back legs. Thankfully, the woman’s daughter worked for a veterinarian, so she called her quickly.

Daughter April Eells was able to help out the poor pup, thanks to her connections. She’s rallied around the dog ever since, raising money for his extensive surgeries and care, and the pup’s story is going viral.

“This AM my mom went into work a couple hours later than she usually does and was in shock as she came off the exit in North Portland to witnessed a dog being thrown off an overpass!” Eells posted on Facebook later that day.

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“Given the significance of his injuries and the research gone into pin pointing the location and access, it appears he was thrown from the overpass,” she clarified on the dog’s GoFundMe page. “At this point I will say allegedly as we do not know who it was or have a description.”

The incident shook her up, especially since this wasn’t the first traumatic episode involving an overpass that Eells had experienced.

“Almost a year ago, my own daughter tried to commit suicide and she jumped off an overpass,” she told KATU-TV. “So immediately it struck me because it was very symbolic of my own daughter, and my mom said that that was instantly she thought, ‘I’m not giving up on him.’ Because we didn’t give up on her.”


The dog was dubbed “Hank” and estimated to be just a year or two old. The fall had severely injured him, giving him broken bones, broken teeth and torn ligaments — but almost miraculously, no internal bleeding or immediately life-threatening injuries.

It’s taken surgeries, medicine, care and love to help Hank, but even in the relatively short time he’s been with Eells, he has improved. It could be months before he’s walking properly again, but for now, they’re celebrating every milestone, according to KATU.

Because Eells works at an animal hospital, they gave her a discount and she said a sum of $3,500 would be needed to cover Hank’s leg care there.

Through a GoFundMe and other fundraisers, Eells has raised at least $5,605, but as anyone who’s had medical care knows, the costs can creep up and there always seem to be surprise costs or conditions that come along the way.

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Hank underwent surgery last week and things are looking up. Eells posted an update on his condition on Friday.

“Hank is home and comfy in his bed tonight( as pictured) but he still has a long recovery ahead of him,” she wrote.

“Many bandage changes, meds, follow up xrays and potentially needing the plates off in a few months once the bones have fully fused, so we still need to continue to raise funds and circulate Hanks story.”

“Thank you to everyone who has donated and shared, every bit helps ! We appreciate all the love and support, Hank is so worthy!”

While the story behind Hank’s fall may never be fully known, thanks to Eells and caring people like her, Hank has a bright future to look forward to.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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