
Commenting on CNN Scandal, Gov. Cuomo Admits to Taking Advice from Journalists All the Time


Scandalous Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo had an odd defense Monday when he acknowledged that he solicited advice from his brother, a purported journalist, over a series of sexual harassment accusations against him.

The three-term governor, and the face of death for so many elderly New Yorkers during the early months of the coronavirus pandemic, according to reporting, claimed he actually seeks out advice from reporters regularly.

“I had conversations with my brother. I always have conversations with my brother because he’s my brother and he’s my best friend,” Cuomo told the New York Post at a media briefing. Cuomo’s statement was a response to a question about last week’s report that CNN anchor Chris Cuomo had been advising the governor with regard to how to approach the public — as woman after woman accused him of predatory behavior.

“Obviously, he was aware of what was going on and I talked to him about it, and he told me his thoughts. He always tells me his thoughts. Sometimes I follow them, sometimes I don’t. He was not covering the story. He had recused himself from the story,” the governor added.

Cuomo then made a stunning admission.

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“But I talk to journalists about situations all the time and they tell me their thoughts and their advice,” he said.

The governor did not elaborate about who those reporters are. But it’s quite clear that Andrew Cuomo didn’t understand what all the fuss was about when CNN admitted last week that one of its primetime anchors had waded into a public controversy, and when the governor himself confirmed that at Monday’s news conference.

It’s obviously not that Chris Cuomo’s being Andrew Cuomo’s brother is unethical. It’s that Chris Cuomo works for a major TV news network that shapes the opinions of so many Americans.

If Andrew Cuomo seeks out advice from reporters regularly before making decisions that might affect those living in his state, that’s problematic from an ethics standpoint. It’s also indicative of a potentially larger issue. The embattled governor just created an entirely new scandal — apparently unwittingly.


This scandal is for the establishment media’s activist reporters.

Let’s pretend we’re all shocked for a moment.

How are these reporters supposed to do what’s best for the readers and viewers they’re supposed to be serving with useful information when they’re out doing what’s best for Andrew Cuomo? How are these reporters supposed to “speak truth to power” when they’re apparently advising the powers that be on how to navigate through their own personal and political problems?

That’s what so many reporters in this country claim they’re in their jobs for. They claim they work to shine lights in places of darkness and to speak truth to power.

If Andrew Cuomo is being truthful when he says he treats journalists as personal advisers, then who knows how many other potential scandals are buried in their deceitful reporting? How many conflicts of interest have kept New Yorkers from valuable information?

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The Cuomo administration appears more and more, every week, as a though it is a corrupt enterprise that feeds on its own power. The country’s establishment media has, of course, been corrupted for decades by the personal agendas of its reporters.

But the two entities are apparently working together much more closely than we ever imagined. How deep does the cancer of corruption run in the Empire State? If Andrew Cuomo truly has its journalists working with him behind the scenes, we’ll most likely never know.

In some ways, this might be the largest tragedy to be blamed on the country’s most scandalous governor.

Amid a year of rapidly unfolding events in which lives, jobs and property have been at stake for the people of New York, there has never been truly anyone for them to trust. New Yorkers have been underserved by their elected officials and the entire media apparatus — minus the New York Post.

Oddly enough, the Post is also the only major news media outlet that has been banned by Democrat-loyal Big Tech within the past year.

What got the Post temporarily banned from Twitter last fall? The paper was locked out of its account for daring to accurately report a scandal about the family member of a high-profile Democrat.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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