
Coffee Shop Chain Promotes the Mutilation of Females on Side of Company Van


U.K. coffee company Costa Coffee has caused a stir by sending out its vans emblazoned with a cartoon drawing of a transgender “man” showing off top surgery scars.

The company was immediately accused of promoting mutilation, and attacked for glamorizing the “complex and dangerous” act of surgically removing a girl’s healthy breasts in order to “transition” to being a male, the Independent reported Monday.

Laurence Fox, who founded a right-leaning political party in the U.K. called the “Reclaim” Party, blasted the company for its agenda in support of what transgender call “top surgery.”

“Dear @CostaCoffee, You are promoting the mutilation of healthy young girls,” he tweeted, adding, “I hope you are boycotted out of existence.”

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The company, though was undaunted and refused to apologize for revealing its fealty to the radical transgender agenda.

“We want everyone that interacts with us to experience the inclusive environment that we create, to encourage people to feel welcomed, free and unashamedly proud to be themselves,” Costa Coffee stated.

“The mural, in its entirety, showcases and celebrates inclusivity,” the company insisted.


Commentator James Esses agreed that the company was embarking down the wrong path and blasted it for the “inclusivity” claim.

“A @CostaCoffee spokesman: ‘The mural, in its entirety, showcases and celebrates inclusivity…to encourage people to feel welcomed, free and unashamedly proud to be themselves,'” he tweeted.

“Supporting women to be themselves by encouraging them to fundamentally change themselves?” Esses added. “Disgrace.”

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Talk TV presenter Julia Hartley-Brewer also blasted the conceit of the new Costa Coffee logo. On her program Monday, Hartley-Brewer grilled left-wing Labour MP Lloyd Russell-Moyle, asking, “If someone said they wanted to cut their right leg off, would it be their choice and would you endorse that? Would we celebrate it?”

For his part, Esses also stood up for himself against transgender attacks online.

“I have received messages today telling me that I’m a ‘snowflake’ for taking issue with @CostaCoffee,” he later tweeted. “If the modern definition of ‘snowflake’ is ‘someone who takes issue with the glorification of bodily mutilation for a mental health condition,’ then I’m a massive snowflake.”

Many others also spoke up to blast the coffee company, according to the Daily Mail.

Tanya Carter, representative for child safeguarding campaign group Safe Schools Alliance, lashed out at the company, saying, “It’s almost unbelievable that Costa would do something so crass and irresponsible as to use this image.”

“The executives clearly have no idea what message this conveys, that irreversible surgery on healthy female breasts is to be applauded. Is this really any way to sell coffee?” she said.

Another, Stephanie Davies-Arai, worried that leftists are “encouraging children to think they need to undergo unnecessary medical treatment affecting them for the rest of their lives,” the Mail added.

These people are right. It is at the least an act of illogical foolishness to claim undertaking dangerous medical procedures is a way to realize one’s “true self” when in fact it is the obliteration of what one actually is. But it is also dangerous for positing that surgical alterations will “fix” someone even as the mental strife that pushed them to such a decision in the first place goes completely unaddressed.

Companies like Costa Coffee need to be given the Bud Light treatment once they start advocating for these dangerous, inhuman political agendas.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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