
CNN's Jake Tapper Abruptly Cuts Off Interview as Soon as Lara Trump Mentions Biden's 'Cognitive Decline'


CNN’s Jake Tapper abruptly ended an interview with Trump campaign surrogate Lara Trump on Sunday after he brought up the issue of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s apparent cognitive decline.

If there were any doubts that the establishment media is in a full-fledged panic with the election only two weeks away, those doubts have been laid to rest.

In the midst of Biden’s horrible, no-good week in which he became embroiled in controversy about his reported links to his son’s foreign business dealings, the candidate has called a lid on all activities leading up to Thursday’s final presidential debate.

Naturally, Biden’s surrogates within the media are going to campaign for him during his absence, as they always do.

But on Sunday on CNN, host Jake Tapper made it clear that valid questions about Biden’s mental acuity are off the table.

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Despite alleged Chinese and Ukrainian corruption, a credible sexual assault allegation — which Biden denied and the media buried — and Biden’s refusal to answer Supreme Court packing questions, his speculated mental decline remains the elephant in the room.

Tapper, who regularly runs interference for Biden, Democrats and his own network’s shortcomings, made an attempt to frame the issue of Biden’s cognitive health in a way that is unfavorable to Biden’s critics during the interview with President Donald Trump’s daughter-in-law on the network’s “State of the Union” program.

During a contentious exchange, Tapper began his grifting when he laid into Lara Trump for previously suggesting Biden is losing his marbles.

Tapper aired Democratic National Convention footage from August of a 13-year-old boy named Brayden Harrington, who said at the convention that Biden has helped him cope with a lifelong stutter.


The moment was apparently to further the DNC/CNN narrative that Biden’s own past issues with stuttering are why he struggles so much with syntax at almost 78 years old.

Reminding Lara Trump of her previous assertions Biden is suffering from cognitive issues, Tapper attempted to portray the wife of Eric Trump as a cold-hearted person who simply doesn’t care about 13-year-old Harrington, or others, who suffer from speech impediments.

“How do you think it makes little kids with stutters feel when they see you make a comment like that?” Tapper asked her.

The implication of the question was that by previously questioning Biden’s mental game, that she was attacking an innocent child and others.

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But Lara Trump didn’t play Tapper’s game.

“I think what we see on stage with Joe Biden, Jake, is very clearly a cognitive decline,” she responded.

From there, Tapper became visibly triggered and refused to let Lara Trump make a point.

“I think you have absolutely no standing to diagnose somebody’s cognitive decline,” Tapper said.

“I think that you are mocking [Biden’s] stutter,” Tapper added.

But Tapper’s true colors came out when Lara Trump doubled down by refusing to play CNN’s pity game for Biden.

“I’m saying Joe Biden is struggling at times on stage and it’s concerning to a lot of people that this could be the leader of the free world,” she said.

Tapper then ended the interview.

“Thank you, Lara Trump, I’m sure [your cognitive decline comments] were from a place of concern. We all believe that,” he said.

Whether Biden is in the throes of dementia or some other cognitive impairment is between him, his doctors, his Democratic handlers and his family, but what isn’t in doubt is that Biden is in the midst of a horrible week.

And Tapper couldn’t have Biden’s horrible week become exacerbated by letting Mrs. Trump remind his viewers that in the middle of everything else going on, there is a chance Biden might be a few cards short of a full deck.

In fact, Biden’s latest campaign struggles only compound what has been speculated on for a year by Biden opponents both inside and outside of the Democratic Party.

That speculation is that Biden has lost a step or three mentally.

Biden didn’t stutter in 2005 when called court packing a “power grab.”

He didn’t appear to stutter a week ago when he again misstated that he is running as a U.S. Senate candidate.

Now, with the embattled Democrat waiting out the week at his home in Delaware, his media sycophants and defenders are on the defensive, and they’re reaching to paint the candidate’s critics, at least on this issue, as heartless haters of all those with speech issues.

Biden already overcame the stutter he reportedly suffered from during his youth.

Throughout his 47-year career in government, Biden has delivered cringe-inducing statements that were apparently not influenced by an issue with a speaking deficiency.

Biden has been an unremarkable politician with few accomplishments who habitually, if ever, says the right thing.

Now, those lifelong habits seem to be getting worse, and they coincide with Biden’s recent penchant for lashing out at people and forgetting basic facts.

But the establishment media is always quick to create new ways to defend its preferred candidate.

According to Tapper on Sunday, the establishment media has now taken the position that if you question Biden’s mental acuity, you hate stuttering kids.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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