
CNN Rolls Chyron Describing Kenosha Protests as 'Violent,' Edits It So Fast Your Head Will Spin


CNN wants to be taken seriously as a journalistic news source.

Unfortunately, the network just can’t seem to keep its leftist bias in check.

During Monday’s edition of “The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer,” CNN ran a chyron that read, “8PM Curfew Ordered After Violent Protests Over Police Shooting Of Unarmed Black Man In Wisconsin,”

After about 15 seconds, however, as reported by Tristan Justice of The Federalist, the chyron was taken down and replaced with one that read, “8PM Curfew Ordered After Protests Over Police Shooting of Unarmed Black Man In Wisconsin.”

The only difference: CNN removed the word “violent.”

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Of course, CNN’s original characterization of the protests was perfectly applicable to the situation in Kenosha, Wisconsin, where violence has broken out in response to the shooting of a 29-year-old Jacob Blake by police officers.

Indeed, the violence is evident even in the clip from “The Situation Room,” where a burned-out truck is visible behind the on-the-ground reporter in Kenosha.


The full details of the shooting incident are not yet known, but available footage shows Blake scuffling with police on the passenger side of an SUV. Blake then walks around the SUV, ignoring commands from the officers, opens the driver’s door, and tries to either reach into or enter the vehicle, at which point he is shot seven times.

In response to the shooting, Kenosha erupted looting, rioting, and destruction.

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Apparently, CNN doesn’t consider any of this activity to be “violent.”

There are, of course, many peaceful protesters exercising their First Amendment rights across the country. More reputable news outlets have taken pains to distinguish between those peaceful protesters and the violent rioters.

CNN would rather conflate the two groups, letting truth take a back seat to narrative. And the network’s narrative is that the demonstrations happening across the country are peaceful expressions of justified anger.

It doesn’t matter if the evidence — including the backdrop behind CNN’s own reporter — suggests otherwise.

It’s one thing for a network to change a graphic to provide more information, which happens all the time.

It’s another to see a network reword a chyron mid-segment in a blatant attempt to control the narrative.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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