
CNN: Joe Biden's Brother Frank Biden Has 'Used His Presidential Ties' for Profit


No one can say CNN doesn’t keep up with the news.

More than a year after the story broke that now-President Joe Biden’s son Hunter had been milking his connections for a lucrative $50,000 a month gig on the board of a Ukraine energy company, the outlet is catching on.

After an election year in which Fox News and conservative online media outlets published story after story of the Biden clan’s influence-peddling worldwide, Jeff Zucker’s team at CNN is on the case.

And if it seems a little late for the liberal news network to be waking up to the idea that someone might think there was something wrong with the president’s kin making a buck on the family name, it’s clearly just a coincidence that it happened after Joe Biden is safely inaugurated in the White House.

In a Wednesday story that could not come as a surprise to any American with a pulse and a working pair of eyes, CNN reported that the president’s brother is a “non-attorney, senior advisor” to a Florida law firm that’s put the Biden name in its advertising.

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“President Joe Biden said at the start of his administration that family conflicts of interest would not be tolerated in his White House, but not two weeks into his presidency, his brother’s actions as a part of his employment at a law firm in Florida are raising questions about how he’ll implement that pledge,” CNN reported.


Well, the news might be raising questions among CNN reporters and editors, but for Americans who’ve been paying attention, the questions have already been answered:

For the Biden family, making bank off the Biden name is a way of life.

In the months leading up to the presidential election, Americans who did not depend on the establishment media for their news were under no illusions that the man Democrats were running to replace former President Donald Trump in the White House was surrounded by grifters.

The reports about the Bidens’ globe-trotting were never a major part of the establishment media’s coverage of Biden or the presidential campaign — that would have gotten in the way of the goal of getting Trump and his “Make America Great Again” agenda out of the White House.

(The unprecedented censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop story — in which social media titans Twitter and Facebook essentially acted as propaganda arms of the Democratic Party — as well as the willingness of the establishment media to ignore evidence of blatant corruption, should be remembered forever as one of the most blatant acts of journalistic dishonesty in the country’s history.)

But now, with the election decided and a Biden administration heading in a radically leftist direction few sane Americans would support, the “most trusted name in news” decides Americans can learn some details about the president’s family that, as CNN put it, are “raising questions” about how good the Biden word is when it comes to influence-peddling.

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CNN reported that Frank Biden, the president’s younger brother, is featured prominently in advertising for the Berman Law Group based in Boca Raton, Florida.

It’s not a subtle connection. As Salena Zito at the Washington Examiner wrote last week:

“On the morning of his brother’s inauguration, Frank Biden appeared smiling broadly in an advertorial (an ad designed to look like a news article) for the Berman Law Group, the Florida law firm for which he works as a nonlawyer.

“The advertorial bragged about Frank Biden’s relationship and shared values he has with his brother and focuses on the law firm’s role in a case against sugar cane growers and nonlawyer Frank Biden’s part in that litigation.”

According to The Washington Post, Frank Biden started working for the law firm in 2018.

At the time, The Post reported, “the firm cited his experience in business and government as a boon for its clients. It recounted his work with nonprofit organizations as well as his stint as a legislative liaison in the U.S. Government Printing Office under President Bill Clinton, and it noted his work on Biden’s campaigns.”

The Western Journal reached out to the Berman Group late Thursday afternoon for comment but got no return call. However, it’s pretty clear that Frank Biden isn’t working for the law firm for free — and it’s a good bet that a “non-attorney, senior advisor” doesn’t come cheap if he has the last name of even a former vice president. It’s an even better bet that profit goes up when it’s the last name of a president.

And the firm’s Inauguration Day ad wasn’t shy about the bond between the Biden brothers, as Zito wrote.

“After a while, you give up counting the number of times Frank Biden’s connection with Joe Biden is mentioned, and the ad didn’t even try to be elusive in relating the firm’s work with the values of Biden’s agenda,” Zalito wrote in the Examiner.

“As in: ‘For Biden it’s a question of judgement, not morals — a lesson his older brother, the president-elect Joseph Biden Jr., has ingrained in him.’”

“It’s a question of judgment, not morals.” That’s a line Trump’s political enemies would have loved to have used on him.

Of course, CNN’s report on the shocking development of the president’s brother cashing in on the Biden name included a quote from a White House spokesman declaring absolutely everything is aboveboard.

“President Biden has set and maintained the highest ethical standards for himself, his administration, and those around him, and he has pledged an ‘absolute wall’ with any family member’s private business interests. Any implication to the contrary is flatly untrue and unsupported by the facts,” the spokesman, Michael Gwin, said in a statement, according to CNN.

Well, if it’s “flatly untrue and unsupported by the facts,” the country has nothing to worry about (no matter what the revelations of the previous year might have been).

And if there is something to worry about, Americans can count on CNN to let them in on it — three or four months after it matters. If not much, much more.

CNN keeps up with the news, just in its own good time.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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