
CNN Hack Stelter Flips on Hunter Biden Story, Instantly Called Out for How He Dismissed It Before


Nothing says “Reliable Sources” like CNN’s Brian Stelter.

Almost two full years after the New York Post broke the story of Hunter Biden’s laptop holding potentially incriminating evidence about now-President Joe Biden, the CNN media analyst finally got around Sunday to acknowledging that just maybe the laptop might pose a problem for the Democratic standard-bearer in the 2024 election.

And a Fox News analyst on Monday raked Stelter over the coals.

The latest liberal media twist in the Hunter saga started Sunday, when, as Fox reported, Stelter interviewed Michael LaRosa, former press secretary for first lady Jill Biden, and admitted the Hunter Biden scandal “is not just a right-wing media story. This is a real problem for the Bidens.”

Could the president decide not to run for re-election because of it? Stelter asked.

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“Look, they make decisions as a family, and they will make that decision when it’s time,” LaRosa responded.

“The press is getting ahead of the family on that?” Stelter asked.

“Way ahead, way ahead,” LaRosa said.

Neither acknowledged, of course, that CNN and the rest of the mainstream media have been “way behind, way behind” on the story that could well have reshaped the 2020 presidential election and left Donald Trump in the White House for a second term.

So that left it to Joe Concha, Fox News contributor and media reporter for “The Hill,” to point it out.

First, he published a Twitter thread Sunday, taking on Stelter point by point.

Then he did it again on Monday in an interview on “Fox & Friends First.”

After listing a series of statements Stelter had made downplaying the Hunter Biden story going back to 2020, Concha got down to business. With CNN under new ownership, one that at least pays lip service to the idea that a “news network” shouldn’t just be firing broadsides on behalf of the Democratic Party, liberal mouthpieces like Stelter are singing a different tune — since they, presumably, want to stay employed.

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“Yeah, welcome to the party, pal,” he said. “We’ve been talking about this for some time. And … you tried to dismiss this story as a manufactured scandal. And now, because you have a new boss, I guess he’s trying to keep his job by actually doing his job, by talking about this story the way it should be talked about.

“Which is, yes, it is real, there is a federal investigation going on. And Hunter Biden could be a real liability for the president.”

Check it out here. The Hunter Biden discussion starts at about the 1:55 mark:

Concha, of course, has nailed it.

Of all the mainstream media cheerleaders for Team Biden, CNN has been one of the loudest and most consistent. It’s so obvious that a college freshman had Stelter transparently dodging back in April during a forum at the University of Chicago with a question about Stelter’s claim that Fox News is a “purveyor of disinformation.”

CNN, the student said, “pushed the Russian collusion hoax, they pushed the Jussie Smollett hoax, they smeared Justice [Brett] Kavanaugh as a rapist, and they also smeared [Kentucky high school student] Nick Sandmann as a white supremacist. And yes, they dismissed the Hunter Biden laptop affair as pure Russian disinformation.

“All the mistakes of the mainstream media, and CNN in particular, seem to magically all go in one direction. Are we expected to believe that this is all just some sort of random coincidence, or is there something else behind it?”

Stelter’s response was a lame defense of his employer that included the almost laughable dismissal: “I think you’re describing a different channel than the one that I watch.”

Actually, the student was describing CNN’s coverage of political issues perfectly. Just as Concha was describing Stelter’s personal role in protecting the Biden White House perfectly.

Americans were denied information about the evident corruption surrounding the Biden family that should have been general knowledge in the fall of 2020 after the New York Post’s scoop.


An unholy alliance of legacy media, social media giants Twitter and Facebook and ostensibly trustworthy former intelligence officials ignored, downplayed or outright squelched coverage of the Hunter Biden laptop and its contents.

Slowly, begrudgingly, The New York Times and The Washington Post have acknowledged the Hunter Biden laptop story. And now, almost two years too late, Brian Stelter and his absurdly named program “Reliable Sources” is forced to point out the obvious to his few benighted viewers.

Maybe Concha is right, and its because CNN’s new ownership has forced Stelter to take a hard look at his own performance. Maybe it’s the ever-growing chorus of Democrats being quoted in Democratic-leaning publications saying Joe Biden should not be seeking re-election.

Maybe it’s the looming midterms and the prospect that Republicans could seize power in the House, the Senate or both, when a new Congress opens in January.

Whatever it is, Stelter has been forced to finally come around on the Hunter Biden laptop. And Joe Concha was there to rake him over the coals over it.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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