
CNN Admits the Truth About Donald Trump on Live TV - And It's Bad News for Joe Biden


You know prospects are grim for a Democrat incumbent president when you have CNN essentially sitting there in very public awe of the top Republican rival to the White House.

And to be clear, this isn’t some halcyon version of CNN that practiced actual journalism once upon a time. This is the modern, wildly leftist, pro-Democrat 2023 version of CNN that has earned every letter of its derisive “Clinton News Network” nickname.

But even this shambling husk of CNN has enough awareness and cognizance to recognize that things are not trending in a good direction for fellow shambling husk President Joe Biden — especially in regards to former President Donald Trump nipping at his heels in the looming 2024 general election.

In a Saturday analysis, CNN’s Harry Enten began the piece as you would expect any left-leaning outlet to: By vigorously reminding the reader how awful Trump is.

“A plurality of Americans and independents think Donald Trump should have been charged with a crime in each of his four indictments, according to ABC News/Ipsos polling,” Enten wrote to begin his piece. “A majority of Americans said in a new AP-NORC survey that they definitely won’t vote for the former president in the 2024 general election.”

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That’s when you can almost feel the air come out of Enten’s rhetoric.

“Yet, Trump continues to hold a mammoth lead for the Republican presidential nomination and is polling within the margin of error of President Joe Biden in a hypothetical general election matchup,” Enten wrote.

He explained: “While paragraphs one and two seem contradictory, they’re really not. Americans don’t like Trump, but Republicans do. And general elections aren’t referendums on one candidate but a choice between two or more – and Americans, as a whole, dislike both Trump and Biden.”

Whether it’s Trump’s popularity, Biden’s lack of popularity or some combination of both, it does seem like the former president is closing the gap with the incumbent president with each new spurious and weaponized charge levied against him.


That is assuredly the opposite effect of what Democrats wanted, and clearly opposite of whatever it is that the establishment media expected.

Just look at Enten’s tone as he waves the white flag on Trump’s popularity while speaking to CNN’s Jim Acosta on Saturday:

“The polling indicates that Trump is, in fact, in a stronger position at this point than he was during the entire 2020 campaign,” Enten told Acosta.

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Additionally, Enten wrote on CNN: “If anything, Trump’s position within his party has become stronger since the beginning of the year. A majority (54%) of Republicans have a strongly favorable opinion of him in Fox News polling released this week, which is up 11 points from the end of last year. No other Republican candidate for president reaches even half of Trump’s current percentage.”

Look, you couldn’t throw a stone in CNN’s corporate offices without hitting an anti-Trumper.

Because of that, watching the network grapple with the fact that Trump is only getting more popular as America barrels toward the 2024 general election has been incredible to watch.

But for whatever schadenfreude one may derive from watching Biden’s establishment media allies lament on-air that Trump is going to give their president the fight of his life, it’s aggressively important that conservatives and Republicans don’t rest on their laurels.

Take note that Enten and CNN are fretting that Trump is polling competitively with Biden. Nobody is worried about Trump running away with the general election.

It’s going to be a bloodbath of a general election (the GOP primary appears to be all but over, although it’s still way too early to say one way or another at the moment) and every vote will count. Just because certain polls show Trump winning in a landslide doesn’t make it imminent.

So please, take a quick victory lap and giggle as CNN grapples with the reality of Trump’s inevitability.

But remember that nothing has been decided yet, and Trump still needs to win an election.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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